Hollywood Celebrity Kim Kardashian is going through a rough patch, especially after she divorced her husband Kanye West as the latter has tried his level best to create problems in the former’s life. After her recent break-up with comedian Pete Davidson, West seems to have found another method to stir problems in her life though not directly. However, the socialite has lost all respect for her former husband who has played a dirty scheme this time with the comedian affecting him seriously.

Kim Kardashian
American Socialite Kim Kardashian

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After the news of the fashion mogul and comedian’s breakup emerged, Kardashian’s ex-husband began to share his toxicity online specifically centered toward the comedian. According to recent reports, Davidson has been in trauma therapy because of the rapper’s incessant bullying. However, the fashion mogul had decided not to let the recent incident slide and has taken action on it.

Kim Kardashian Asks Kanye West To Take Down The Instagram Post

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West

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Kanye West recently shared a now-deleted post with his millions of followers specifically targeted toward Pete Davidson by sharing an edited issue of the New York Times front page featuring the headline, “SKETE DAVIDSON DEAD AT AGE 28.” It also aimed at Kid Cudi in the subheadings however the fashion mogul is ‘furious’ with his act. Not only that, his constant bullying led the comedian to trauma therapy as he had been targeting him on various occasions since the socialite started dating him.

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According to a source reported to Hollywood Life, the 41-year-old socialite had immediately asked the rapper to take down the Instagram post and also talked about how she was in disbelief that the rapper would do something like that. “She can’t believe he would do something like that after promising her he would try to do better. The last thing she needs is more drama in her life, particularly coming from Kanye,” the source shared. “She wishes he would leave the whole thing alone and she insisted he takes the post down. She’s furious at him right now and told him he better stop with his antics.”

Kanye West’s Previous Attacks on Pete Davidson

Pete Davidson and Kim Kardashian
Pete Davidson and Kim Kardashian at Met Gala

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The rapper has bullied the comedian on various occasions, especially the major incidents that are still remembered by everyone. The rapper had previously shared a music video of his new song Eazy where the rapper was seen kidnapping, tying up, and burying a claymation caricature of his former foe Davidson, which was a violent and disturbing video that concerned many and even received huge backlash for the same. It was more centric towards the comedian as the lyrics went something like “…Just so I can beat Pete Davidson’s a*s…”

While a source shared with People that the 28-year-old comedian “has been in trauma therapy in large part” due to West’s actions. It might be hard for anybody to constantly bear the bullying either online like in that video or in his daily life especially when the rapper asked his fans to scream in front of the comedian’s face when he was in a relationship with the American socialite.

Source: Hollywood Life

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