The superhero world is not very different from the real one, as both are filled with mysteries and dark secrets. She-Hulk: Attorney at Law is one such fascinating amalgamation of both worlds. However, some recent events have shed light on a few of the secrets that affect both worlds equally. The show has done well on both critical and popularity fronts. But it didn’t do justice to the minds that wrote it.

Zigler Made $396 in Residuals of She-Hulk


The Writers Guild of America strike that has stirred Hollywood to a complete halt has brought attention to some jarring truths. As writers strike to demand their right to better pays and fairness in their work environment, This situation has started a discourse that has been revealing what goes behind the scenes.

Read Also: She-Hulk Villain Titania Explained

Arguably, Ribbit and Rippit was the legal comedy series’ most anticipated chapter. It featured Charlie Cox’s Daredevil, which brought an enthralling twist to the story and painted a promising future for Daredevil itself. The feature made the stakes of this episode much higher. But it has been hit by controversy.

Cody Ziglar
Cody Ziglar

The writer of this episode Cody Ziglar took to Twitter to reveal how bad it actually is. He only made 0.00015 percent i.e. $396 in residuals. It should be noted that the episode’s budget is $20 Million.

This paints a harrowing picture of the state of the television and movie industry today. The complete omission of writers’ room with the boom of AI has put the career of thousands at risk. And victims of this system have decided to break their silence.

What Caused The Writer’s Uproar?

Bob Iger: CEO of Disney Co.
Bob Iger: CEO of Disney Co.

The strike is causing loss beyond the entertainment industry. As per reports, the state of California will observe serious losses in its tourism sector. Such a desperate situation has compelled the heads of media corporations to vocalize their views.

Stating his views on the WGA strike, Disney Co. CEO Bob Iger said:

 “I understand any labor organization’s desire to work on behalf of its members to get the most compensation and be compensated fairly based on the value that they deliver. We managed, as an industry, to negotiate a very good deal with the directors guild that reflects the value that the directors contribute to this great business. We wanted to do the same thing with the writers, and we’d like to do the same thing with the actors. There’s a level of expectation that they have, that is just not realistic. And they are adding to the set of the challenges that this business is already facing that is, quite frankly, very disruptive.”

He pronounced the Guild’s demands “unrealistic”. This statement of his prompted many writers to post their pay cheques to emphasize their point.

Source: Variety

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