The Blind Side is a beautiful feel-good movie that depicts the heartwarming story of Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy – a Caucasian couple who helped a homeless African-American teenager overcome his learning difficulties and reach the National Football League.

The story prominently revolves around the childhood of former American football tackle Michael Oher. Oher was played by Quinton Aaron. However, it was Sandra Bullock who truly emerged as the star of the movie thanks to her brilliant portrayal of Anne.

Sandra Bullock in The Blind Side.
Sandra Bullock in The Blind Side.

The movie showed Anne as a strong, caring, and progressive woman who fought to ensure Oher gets the right upbringing. The acclaimed actress even won the Oscar award in 2011 for Best Actress for her emotional performance. However, a recent development has somewhat left a stain on the whole project.

Read more: Did ‘The Blind Side’ and Michael Oher’s Story Convince Sandra Bullock to Adopt Her Two Kids?

Sandra Bullock Left Heartbroken by the Michael Oher Controversy

What appeared to be a perfect family on the big screen is now embroiled in a major controversy after the retired NFL star Michael Oher decided to sue the Tuohys. His lawsuit alleges that the couple never adopted him and instead tricked him into entering a conservatorship which allowed them to profit off him.

Former NFL star Michael Oher.
Former NFL star Michael Oher.

Further, it’s alleged that the family also swindled him when it came to collecting the profits from The Blind Side. On the other hand, the Tennessee family suggests Oher threatened to go public with his story if they didn’t pay him $15 million before ultimately filing the lawsuit.

As expected, the apparent mud-slinging has also reached Sandra Bullock‘s doors and she’s not happy with how things have unfolded in recent days.

An insider revealed to The Daily Mail: “She hates that such a wonderful story, a spectacular movie, and a spectacular time in her life now has been tainted. Now people won’t watch it and if they do, they will have a completely different reaction to its original intention.”

The source added that a lot of hard work was put into bringing the story to the fore with an assumption those events were true. Now an asterisk has been attached to everything in the movie which upsets Bullock as it was a very special time in her life.

Read more: The Blind Side: How Much Money Did Sandra Bullock Earn From Her Controversial Oscar Winning Role Amid Michael Oher Legal Battle

Sandra Bullock Is Already Going Through a Tough Period in Her Personal Life

The timing of the controversy involving Oher and the Tuohys couldn’t have been worse, as the Bird Box star is already enduring a very tough period in her personal life.

Sandra Bullock.
Sandra Bullock.

It recently came to light that her partner Bryan Randall died aged 57 after a three-year battle with ALS. Randall decided to keep his fight with ALS private. Bullock was already caught in such a sad situation in her personal life, and now the latest wave of news has made things turbulent professionally for her as well.

“Sandra is putting up a strong face and a strong front as it has been a rough patch for her emotionally with the loss of Bryan, and now she is heartbroken in a different way with all the fallout from the Michael Oher news,” the source added.

The situation, meanwhile, has given some trolls ammunition of sorts to raise doubts over Bullock’s work, with some going as far as demanding she return the Academy Award she won for The Blind Side. Fortunately for the iconic actress, her huge army of fans is doing their part on social media to defend her work as well as her intentions concerning the movie.

Read more: How Much Money Did NFL Star Michael Oher Lose After He Was Denied Royalty in Sandra Bullock’s ‘The Blind Side’?

Source: The Daily Mail

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