There is a long list of former lovers in Jennifer Lopez’s life. The actress and singer is a hardcore romantic and her previous relationships are proof of that. Lopez’s first marriage was with Ojani Noa. They both met each other when they were not successful and had just started their careers in the entertainment industry.

Ojani Noa and Jennifer Lopez
Ojani Noa and Jennifer Lopez

Lopez married Noa in the year 1997 and in the year 1998, they parted ways. Their brief marriage couldn’t be due to many reasons. 

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Ojani Noa was smitten by Jennifer Lopez when he first met her 

Ojani Noa and Jennifer Lopez's wedding
Ojani Noa and Jennifer Lopez’s wedding

Jennifer Lopez and Noa first came across each other when they were very young. Noa used to work at Gloria Estefan’s restaurant, Lario’s on the Beach. Noa explains that when he first saw her had no idea who Lopez was and he was smitten by her. While talking about his ex-wife Lopez, Noa said,

“Our eyes glanced at each other, and I thought she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. She was with her friend, Anita, and Arlene, her assistant.”

In 1998 when Lopez and Noa decided to part ways the reason was Lopez’s growing music career. The First Love singer was too occupied and didn’t have much time for Noa as per reports. 

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Jennifer Lopez kept the wedding ring with her after her divorce from Ojani Noa

Ojani Noa and Jennifer Lopez
Ojani Noa and Jennifer Lopez

When Noa and Lopez parted ways, Noa was heartbroken. He didn’t want to carry anything that reminded him of Lopez and their marriage. Therefore, he asked Lopez to keep the wedding ring with her and not just the wedding ring but everything he gave to her. While talking about the post-divorce conversation with the Live It Up singer, Noa said, 

“I told her, keep the ring, keep all the things I gave you. I didn’t want to remember those things that already happened. I was going to think about her; I was going to miss her.”

Noa also gave some blunt statements on Lopez’s marriage with Ben Affleck. The 48-year-old actor thinks that there will be trouble in Paradise soon for Affleck and Lopez. While talking about why he thinks the marriage will not work Noa said,

“I wish her and Ben the best, but I’m not convinced it will last. Jen loves being in love, but she’s been engaged six times. Ben is husband number four. I was husband number one, and she told me I was the love of her life. When we lay in bed on our wedding night, she said we would be together forever.”

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Many agreed with Noa’s statement as Lopez has had a history of failing relationships. The Shotgun Wedding actress is already being trolled for controlling her current husband and actor Affleck after their marriage. 

Source: Cheat Sheet

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