Jennifer Lopez doesn’t appear to be in any rush to find another boyfriend. She recently split from her long-term partner baseball star Alex Rodriguez, but it doesn’t look like she’s panicking about his dating habits in the meantime. He was recently spotted kissing Kathryne Padgett and has since made a public reconciliation with ex-Jennifer Garner.

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Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez
Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez

She Is Focusing On Herself And Does Not Want To Think About A-Rod – A Source Echoed

A source echoed loud that Jennifer Lopez is not at all bothered about what’s all going on around her ex’s life. She said:

Jen is focused on herself and doesn’t even think twice about A-Rod or his current love life. She wishes Alex the best, but it’s not something that bothers her or takes up space in her mind whatsoever. She just wants everyone to be happy, whatever that might entail.

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Singer and actress Jennifer Lopez
Singer and actress Jennifer Lopez

The Internet Is Calling Kathryne Padgett Jennifer Lopez’s Successor

Model and fitness expert Kathryne Padgett has been living with New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez’s children, Ella and Natasha. Born and raised in Texas, Padgett graduated from the University of St. Thomas before finding her way into modeling. While in college, Padgett fell into sports like soccer, a passion that later led to her becoming a sports model in New York. Additionally, both Alex and Katherine enjoy playing golf together, something that brought them closer.

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Who is Jennifer Lopez’s successor?
Who is Jennifer Lopez’s successor?

With all being said, Lopez is already engaged in promoting her documentary Half Time. Thus, it’s no surprise that she’s already super busy to think about her ex, anyway.

Source: Marca

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