Canadian singer-songwriter Shania Twain is one of the most influential and also known to be one of the best-selling music artists of all time. Popularly called Queen of Country Pop, Shania Twain was named the leader of the ‘90s country-pop crossover stars by Billboard. The singer-songwriter admits to being inspired by Karen Carpenter, Dolly Parton, Taylor Swift, Kelsea Ballerini, Wynonna Judd, and more.

Shania Twain
Shania Twain in Man! I Feel Like a Woman video | Shania Twain’s YouTube

As far as her songwriting is concerned, Twain has always preferred to isolate herself when she is working on her songs to avoid any distractions, believing that she works at her best and can give much better output this way. Twain has also commented on the way she dresses up, stating that it’s not for attention but because she enjoys it that way. But recently, insiders claim that the singer is trying too hard to compete with the young singers.

Insiders claim Shania Twain is having a ‘midlife meltdown’

Shania Twain recently released the video for her song White Claw, in which she collaborated with hip-hop hunk Yung Gravy and is seen warbling about hard seltzer. Yung Gravy, according to Melodic Magazine, said about their collaboration,

I met Shania at a Grammys party, and we got along super well. She invited me over for a barbecue the following day, and at one point we snuck off to the studio and started a song idea, which became White Claw. That’s why the song has such a Sunday barbecue feel to it.

Shania Twain and Yung Gravy
Shania Twain and Yung Gravy collaborated on the song White Claw | Yung Gravy’s YouTube

The song, however, did not sit right with her fans, who have been supporting her for years and appreciating the music she’s given to the industry. They noted that they didn’t expect her to sing about White Claw and are confused about why would she even pick this song. According to Radar Online, fans view this collaboration as Twain’s “midlife meltdown.” Insider shared,

What she’s doing is not about talent. It’s about shock and getting attention. But the belief is that she’s just coming across as desperate. She’s feeling pressured to measure up to younger performers like Ariana Grande. But she’s coming across as tired and tacky. She’s trying to prove she can be sexy, but her friends are trying to tell her that she doesn’t need to try so hard.

More than her collaboration with Yung Gravy, fans are surprised by the singer trying too hard to match up to the young singers and draining herself out, and it doesn’t seem right to them. The singer-songwriter, according to her fans, has worked too hard to reach the status of being where she is today, and she is throwing all of it away just because she wants to match up with young singers.

Shania Twain calls Harry Styles the ‘new Elvis’

It is no surprise that Harry Styles and Twain share a close friendship, and the two of them performed together at the 2022 Coachella, leaving the audience impressed. In her recent interview with The Times of London, she was asked which male heartthrob could replace Brad Pitt from her 1998 hit song That Don’t Impress Me Much. Twain instantly replied that there was a ‘new Elvis’ and his name was Harry Styles.

Styles noted in his 2017 interview that Twain has been one of the greatest fashion and music influences for him. At the time, the Canadian singer acknowledged the admiration by stating,

Because I wasn’t recording for so long, I didn’t really realize the effect that the music was having on, like little kids—the next generation. So here they are, voicing it now that they’re in their own adult lives. It’s wicked. I’m like, over the moon about it.

Twain calls Harry Styles the new Elvis
Harry Styles in Golden music video | Harry Styles’ YouTube

The two went on to perform her successful songs, including Man!, I Feel Like a Woman, and You’re Still the One, at Coachella 2022, which Harry Styles headlined and brought Twain as a surprise guest performer. She said at the time,( via US Weekly)

I am so honored and thrilled to be here. I’m a bit starstruck. What can I say? No, really, I’m a fan of you, of course. I realize that when I was writing this song, you were just a little kid. It’s kind of a dream and very surreal to be sitting here right now to sing this song with you.

Styles and Twain’s performances impressed the audience, and a former One Direction member thanked the singer for all the love and music she has shared with the world.

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