Spider-Man dislikes Ant-Man for a trivial reason!
Spider-Man has prominently had a handful of throwdowns with other heroes over various kinds of misconceptions. While some of those arguments have arisen from genuine misunderstandings, none of them have ever been as trivial as his latest exasperation with Ant-Man. Spider-Man just got furious at Ant-Man because Black Cat seems to have a liking towards the latter hero and makes him act like an envious teenager.
Ant-man still as a recognized as before

After noticing the complete intentions of Macrothrax and his allies in the previous issue, Ant-Man went to other heroes for back-up partly to get large guns in on the crisis and partly to prove his daughter Cassie that he’s still a recognized hero within the Marvel Universe. His first trip is to Avengers Mountain, where he and Cassie interrupt a dinner the team is having. Even though the group consents that this case is worth their attention, some of them — like Black Panther and Blade are casually ignorant of Scott Lang. Spider-Man dislikes Ant-Man because Black Cat seems to like Scott a bit. She laughs at his jokes and defends him to Spider-Man during a feud.
Spider-man jealous of Ant-man

As Cassie pinpoints to her dad after the fact, it’s crystal clear that Black Cat admired Ant-Man and that Spider-Man had noticed and was getting jealous. It’s a pretty confidence uplift for Ant-Man. Spider-Man has prominently had a handful of throwdowns with other heroes over various kinds of misconceptions. While some of those arguments have arisen from genuine misunderstandings, none of them have ever been as trivial as his latest exasperation with Ant-Man. Spider-Man just got furious at Ant-Man because Black Cat seems to have a liking towards the latter hero and makes him act like an envious teenager.
Black cat’s admiration

As Cassie pinpoints to her dad after the fact, it’s crystal clear that Black Cat admired Ant-Man and that Spider-Man had noticed and was getting jealous. It’s a pretty confidence uplift for Ant-Man, especially when Cassie takes into account and points out how cool it is that someone as renowned as Spider-Man is jealous of her father. Here is the trailer of Far From Home,