Spoiler:Daredevil is Not Lawyer of the Spider Man!
Daredevil befitting Peter Parker’s lawyer role in Spider-Man 3 is a popular theory, but we believe another superpowered lawyer might take the case. Peter Parker will likely need a lawyer in Spider-Man 3, Daredevil is the fan-favorite choice but isn’t the best.
What led Spidey into these Circumstances!

He was selected to fight during a superhero war by Iron Man that established himself as a new York crimefighter. Peter died in a cosmic battle fronting Thanos and returned after five years and witnessed the death of Iron Man. Recently, he saved the planet again only to possess his secret identity outed to the general public. The shocking mid-credits scene saw the courtesy of Mysterio J. Jonah Jameson debut the suspicious footage leading up to his death, where he also revealed Peter Parker is the man underneath the Spider-Man mask. But, Mysterio also pulled another trick on Spider-Man by altering the footage, that Peter was the one who initiated the massive attack in London. Although Marvel Studios and Sony have yet to disclose any details about the movie, this can be something that the far from Home followup will have to address head-on.
The Popular Theory: Daredevil Is Spider-Man’s Lawyer

The idea that Daredevil could help Spider-Man has only continued to pick up steam as the movie approaches. Although most of the rumors are unsubstantiated, the frequency of them has kept Daredevil near the top of each Marvel fan’s wish list for Spider-Man 3. Daredevil and Spidey have an excellent comic history together if Spider-Man 3 deals with Peter trying to prove that he’s not Spider-Man. Daredevil is uniquely qualified to assist that case. Matt Murdock may be a successful lawyer who can use his skills within the courtroom to prove his case. But, Matt is further gifted with an acrobatic fighting style that might mimic Spider-Man if need be. Even though Matt ultimately couldn’t win the case in court.
Is She-Hulk Spider-Man’s Lawyer?

If Daredevil is out of the running to assist Peter with legal aid, the big news is that Marvel Studios has confirmed plans that a different superpowered advocate is coming to the MCU. Though She-Hulk and Spider-Man might not be as close as Spidey and Daredevil, She-Hulk does have a connection to Spider-Man within the MCU already through Bruce Banner. He was one of Tony Stark’s best friends but has not had a significant presence in Peter’s life. But, seeing the difficulty that Peter has landed in that Peter is in, it’s possible that Bruce could contact his cousin and ask her to help out Spider-Man. Although it’s also possible, She-Hulk could take a vital superhero-related case like this anyway. Although She-Hulk will probably attract a good following on Disney+, it might be in Marvel’s best interest to introduce her to a more significant property first.
Sources : screenrant , marvel