The Star Wars franchise since the days of the Original Trilogy has expanded in a broad way. The larger continuity came at the situation of some serious narrative plot holes. So, the powers that left behind the Star Wars franchise are almost filling at least one of those holes building up a relationship between Princess Leia and her mother, Padmé Amidala.

But where the issue is?

But where the issue is?
Both can hardly remember about their mother

One of the biggest plot holes of Star Wars is how Leia Organa can remember her mother. As her mother, Padmé Amidala passed away at the time of birth and she wasn’t even an hour old.

So, here is an issue about the Star Wars Original Trilogy’s in the final chapter, Return of the Jedithere’s a breathtaking scene of Luke and Leia taking a moment together, in which Luke asks Leia if she can remember about their mother. Leia responded positively that their mother was so beautiful, kind but a sad woman.” That was really an emotional sibling moment, but sadly Star Wars prequels invalidate it completely. 

Padmé died just after giving birth to Luke and Leia, in the finale of the Prequel Trilogy. The big suspension and twist was, how Leia could remember about her mother and it was obvious not to remember anything regarding that. As she was just a newborn baby like Luke and the only time they could meet their mother.


How that plot hole was fixed?

How that plot hole was fixed?
Their mother died just at the moment of their birth

We can clearly say that “So Much More” is a story of major female characters of the Star Wars franchise which shows empowerment between them. It also helps frame Leia’s following role as example to characters as a mentor in the Sequel Trilogy as like as Rey or Admiral Holdo. However, this story also explains “Get out of jail reasonably free,” card for all following franchise. Writers Pierrick Colinet and Elsa Charretier literally provide Star Wars makes to say about Leia’s “memory” of Padmé , was actually an impression for Breha’s stories which was happened in her childhood. It’s not really so clean and perfect fill for a plot hole but also not even the worst one which was attempted by Star Wars.


Did you catch the trailer of last season, The Last Jedi? Watch here!!!

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailer (Official)


Source: ComicBook, ScreenRant

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