Strange Supreme vs. Scarlet Witch: Who Wins?
The first full-length trailer of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness has been here for around a month. It features an alternate version of Doctor Strange, Strange Supreme. Though viewers got a glimpse of his potential dark side during the running of What If…?, the trailer allowed fans to see him in action along with Scarlet Witch.

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With that being said, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is soon going to hit theaters globally on 6th May this year. Directed by Sam Raimi, the film is going to star Benedict Cumberbatch, Elizabeth Olsen, Michael Stuhlbarg, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Xochitl Gomez, Rachel McAdams, and Benedict Wong.
Who Is Strange Supreme?
An alternate version of Doctor Strange, Strange Supreme got spiritually turned towards the dark side. After losing Christine to a car crash, he got tempted by power and became cocky after gaining it. Despite heroic intentions to alter time and bring back his beloved one, he became addicted to being filled with power. He let himself go corrupt by his nemesis Dormammu by refusing to say no. The Ancient One and another Doctor Strange variant attempted to warn him that creating such a paradox would usher at the end of the universe, but they too fell on deaf ears.

In his quest to revive the love of his life, Strange Supreme becomes more stubborn and arrogant. He also becomes somewhat delusional. While he is determined to revive Christine by using magic, it doesn’t work that way. As a result, he gets frustrated and angry which ultimately drives him deeper into madness. He’ll do anything to get what he wants, even if it means absorbing the powers of others or destroying them in the process.
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Is Wanda Stronger?
Previously, Agatha Harkness echoed that Scarlet Witch’s magic makes her more powerful than Strange Supreme. She also highlighted that Wanda is known for having ways of defining and redefining what is considered to be omnipotence in individuals’ reality. While Wanda has been said to have a better grasp of Chaos Magic over Strange Supreme, this doesn’t reflect how much magic she can actually harness. This is because she hasn’t yet learned how to properly use Chaos Magic or fully harness it as of this point. This is only because Wanda has had her first taste of Chaos Magic with Vision but she has yet to realize just how powerful she truly is.
Strange Supreme vs. Scarlet Witch
In terms of power and raw magic, Scarlet Witch is apparently more powerful and could defeat Strange Supreme. Wanda is very strong in her direct combat. But she has other interesting tools as well that can be used to help her affect the battlefield as a whole. Her illusions are an excellent example of this utility. It allows her to combine high damage attacks with powerful slowing effects. Thus, Wanda is well suited to burst down single targets and keep them under pressure without needing to do much else.

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To conclude, if it’s regarding Strange Supreme, Wanda could easily be labeled stronger than Strange. Nevertheless, there is also the counterpoint point of view when considering Strange’s amount of self-control his strategic reasoning, and intelligence. Where Wanda is noted for her mystical advantage, Strange Supreme is a trained Master of the Mystic Arts. Anyways, only time will tell what would happen in Doctor Strange 2 when they both will face each other.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness will hit the theaters on 6th May 2022.