Significant Changes In Stranger Things 3

One of the most enticing elements of Stranger Things is how it focuses on the principle of “the other.” The theme goes through the relationships of the group of Dungeon & Dragons-playing teen children. It is additionally improved by the addition of the defiant ladies, Eleven and also Max. You can also see that with Nancy falling for brooding photographer Jonathan Byers. Nonetheless, Stranger Things 3 carves out a much more nuanced story of acceptance. It introduces the program’s very first on-screen LGBT personality, Robin (Maya Thurman-Hawke). Robin is the wise-cracking coworker of Steve Harrington (Joe Keery) at Scoops Ahoy. She mocks his failed attempts to get girls while offering ice cream in a sailor uniform. She calls him “dingus.” She teases Steve on how much he attempts to the “cool guy” facade, and the audience is led to believe she has a crush on him.


The LGBT Character Reveal 

Stranger Things 3 The LGBT Character Reveal
Picture Credits: Hollywood Reporter

However, when Dustin (Gaten Matarazzo) ropes them into splitting a mysterious Russian code, the fates of Robin and Steve ends up intertwined. Steve and Robin bond in rounds of interrogation and injections of truth serum. Robin confessed to her obsession with Steve when they were younger. She was jealous that all the girls swooned over him. That leads Steve, and even the target market, to assume she’s had a crush on him for several years. Steve, once they escape, eventually confesses his feelings towards her. But instead of fall under his arms, Robin provides a curve ball by explaining she only appreciated Steve from afar.  She didn’t like him. Instead, she wanted to be him. She wanted to be the focus of affection of their schoolmate Tammy Thompson. It takes Steve a couple of seconds to process what she meant.


Stranger Things 3 Representation of an LGBT Character

Stranger Things 3 The LGBT Character Reveal 
Picture Credits: CBR

Stranger Things 3 does a pretty active job of dealing with the scenario because you can see the uneasiness in Robin. She’s a lot more anxious, considering he just confessed he has feelings for her. But as awkward as the confessional starts, Steve manages it gently by calling Tammy a complete “loser,” and buffooning her vocal singing voice. In short, he hints Robin can do far better, as well as is worthy of much better, which reduces her anxiousness.


By the time the period finale wraps, Robin, as well as Steve, seek new work as the shopping centre enclosed the aftermath of the battle with the Mind Flayer. Robin is in charge of protecting them a job at a video store, and it’s clear we’re obtaining Steve in an age-appropriate and also the platonic relationship that will do wonders for future tales as the “Scoops Troop.”

You can watch the trailer for Stranger Things 3 here:


Source: Cbr, Comicbook