Jonathan Nolan


“We’re never going to beat Bethesda”: Jonathan Nolan Learned the Same Critical Lesson as Big Bro Christopher Nolan That Made Fallout a Huge Success
“We’re never going to beat Bethesda”: Jonathan Nolan Learned the Same Critical Lesson as Big Bro Christopher Nolan That Made Fallout a Huge Success

Turning a beloved video game into a hit TV show can definitely be a tough challenge. But sometimes, the key to success isn’t all about flashy

1 Tom Hanks Space Documentary Broke Christopher Nolan’s Heart, Inspired Interstellar Script
1 Tom Hanks Space Documentary Broke Christopher Nolan’s Heart, Inspired Interstellar Script

Christopher Nolan, the filmmaker behind some of the best sci-fi movies and somewhat fictionalized versions of real events that left a strong impact on the

Why Westworld Is the Most Slept Upon Sci-Fi Show That Deserves More Attention
Why Westworld Is the Most Slept Upon Sci-Fi Show That Deserves More Attention

On June 26, HBO’s popular sci-fi series “Westworld” will launch its fourth season. The premiere date for the new season was disclosed after the premium