Star Wars Movie


Star Wars: Sith Lords Who Weren’t *THAT* Evil
Star Wars: Sith Lords Who Weren’t *THAT* Evil

The Star Wars franchise is all about The Force. It is an energy field created by all living things. This binds the galaxy together. Sounds

Solo: A Star Wars Story: Dryden Vos Was A Great Villain & The Movie Didn’t Do Justice To Him
Solo: A Star Wars Story: Dryden Vos Was A Great Villain & The Movie Didn’t Do Justice To Him

Many would agree to the fact that Solo: A Star Wars Story was an unwelcome addition to the Star Wars franchise. Nobody had asked for

7 Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Goof-Ups That Prove Why Many Call It Hollywood’s Dumbest Joke
7 Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Goof-Ups That Prove Why Many Call It Hollywood’s Dumbest Joke

The Star Wars prequel trilogy is one of the least loved trilogies in the Star Wars franchise. Part of the reason is that the Star

Why Sith Lords Have Yellow Eyes And Dooku Doesn’t?
Why Sith Lords Have Yellow Eyes And Dooku Doesn’t?

Sith Lords are the main antagonists of the Star Wars franchise. They are ruthless and totalitarian in design. They are granted the title Dark Lord

Star Wars Reveals Lady Qi’ra From Solo Is Actually Insanely Powerful
Star Wars Reveals Lady Qi’ra From Solo Is Actually Insanely Powerful

Solo: A Star wars Story nay have been a dud of epic proportions. But facts and trivia based on the then newly introduced characters are

Star Wars Fans Against Disney Renaming Boba Fett’s Ship, Earlier Known As “Slave I”
Star Wars Fans Against Disney Renaming Boba Fett’s Ship, Earlier Known As “Slave I”

It’s a whole new world out there. The world is changing and so is peoples’ perception of things that tend to go unseen. the world