Theo James


“I completely forgot he was voicing the character”: Marvel Fans Can’t Believe Who is Behind X-Men ‘97’s Big Villain Bastion
“I completely forgot he was voicing the character”: Marvel Fans Can’t Believe Who is Behind X-Men ‘97’s Big Villain Bastion

X-Men ‘97 has just wrapped up a wonderful season of nostalgia, thrilling action, and a strong narrative that firmly established the X-Men’s newfound position. The

The Gentlemen Series Trailer: Theo James Leads the Perfect Spinoff to the Matthew McConaughey Masterpiece
The Gentlemen Series Trailer: Theo James Leads the Perfect Spinoff to the Matthew McConaughey Masterpiece

In late 2019, the action comedy movie The Gentlemen, directed and produced by Guy Ritchie, was released to positive critical reviews. It follows a cannabis empire

Celebrities Who Have Co-Starred We Wish Were In A Relationship
Celebrities Who Have Co-Starred We Wish Were In A Relationship

You don’t have to lie: As a fan, you have already dreamed about your favorite celebrity couples together and we don’t blame you. But we