“Technological battering is almost the norm”: Will Smith Says Jaden and Willow Have Evolved to Not Mind Trolls Constantly Attacking Them Online
The Smith family is one of the most popular celebrity families in Hollywood which encompasses renowned actors Will Smith and Jada Smith, along with their multitalented children Jaden Smith and Willow Smith. Apart from fame and fortune, the family is known for their strong bonds and mutual supportiveness. Will Smith and Jada Smith have often been appreciated for their distinctive parenting style, which focuses on fostering the creativity and individuality of their kids.
Will Smith discusses kids’ resilience against online bullying

The fame and success of Willow Smith and Jaden Smith have often been met with many negative trolls and comments. In a candid courtside interview with Scott Raab, Will Smith speaks about how today’s kids deal with technological bullying. He explains with an instance that his daughter once got upset when her favorite online show The Young Turks, was harshly criticized by some powerful young writers and political commenters. But overall, she was handling it well. Similarly, his son also knew negative criticism is all part of the business.
He says that they have a quote in their home that says, “Only to the extent that we expose ourselves over and over to annihilation can that which is indestructible be found in us.” He emphasizes the fact that we have to face the fear until it doesn’t bother us anymore. He calls it “leaning into the sharp parts.” He adds that if we want to lead a good life, we have to be willing to face the struggles while remaining loving and kind. That’s the real challenge.
Smith’s unconventional parenting fosters respect and freedom.

It’s quite evident that Will Smith and Jada Smith are so compliant and progressive in raising their kids. Will Smith once shared his happiness on Instagram at seeing his daughter performing in the Mojave tent. The 54-year-old actor smiled in the crowd at Coachella on Sunday, where he watched alongside fans. “Willowchella!” the proud dad captioned his post.
Willow Smith delivered an incredible performance featuring a series of her most popular hits, including Transparent Soul and Meet Me at Our Spot. Her brother Jaden Smith from elsewhere, during the concert, joined his sister to perform their combo hit Summertime in Paris. He was just emotional about her sister’s incredible achievements, telling the crowd that he was super inspired by her talent.

Fans went on to praise the Smiths after seeing their children’s heartwarming interaction onstage and noticing their enduring support for each other. Smiths have spent many years encountering numerous negative consequences for their unconventional parenting for letting their kids have a lot of freedom. In 2013, the actor once revealed that they don’t punish their kids. “We don’t do punishment. The way that we deal with our kids is that they are responsible for their lives”. He told E! News.
Will Smith stated in an interview that he and Jada were committed to treating their children with equal dignity and respect.“We respect our children the way we would respect any other person”. Their approach to parenting has sparked much controversy and admiration. Many of them applauded them for encouraging personal responsibility and freedom. Despite the controversy, the Smiths emphasize the importance of fostering independence and self-resilience in their kids.
Source: Esquire