“Texas Chainsaw Massacre” was recently on 18th February 2022, directed by David Blue Garcia. It is the direct sequel to 1974’s The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. This movie was considered to be a classic by fans! Given the popularity of the original one, Garcia reveals that he was burdened with expectations. Did he meet them all? Going by the reviews looks like fans are divided. Some of them found the movie to be interesting and a bit different from the original. For instance, fans appreciated the fact that it cared to revisit the events that happened in the original. However, some fans straight-up discarded the movie. They felt the movie has a lot of plot holes, and the pace wasn’t good. They feel too many characters were being killed at a fast pace. Whatever the reviews are, director David Blue Garcia expressed that he wishes to go ahead with the sequel.

Movie: Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Movie: Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Director David Blue Garcia Has A Lot Of Cool Ideas For Another!

Director David Blue Garcia
Director David Blue Garcia

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Garcia shared his thoughts with going ahead with a sequel. He said,

“I’ve actually brainstormed quite a bit about what would happen in a continuation of this story, or just another tale in this world. I have some really cool ideas that I’d love to have the opportunity to pitch if Legendary wants to make another one.” 

“They’re also things when I watched this movie that I look back on and I wish I had done, so I’ve got those in my back pocket if I get to do another one. And of course, there’s that teaser at the end of the film, so there’s definitely a future to explore.”

We never know he actually gets to direct a sequel and try all the new wild ideas he has. Moreover, that might help him to correct the mistakes he’s done in the current one!

David Blue Garcia Reveals How He Feels For The OG 1974 Movie

Netflix Horror Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Netflix Horror Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Despite making a direct sequel to the original movie, Garcia revealed that he doesn’t have exact knowledge of the franchise. However, Tobe Hooper-directed The Texas Chain Saw Massacre was his favorite. He says that being a guy living in Texas, Tobe’s movie was such that he could relate to it. He could relate to the movie to such an extent, that he started taking interest in the film world.

Garcia told The Hollywood Reporter, “My first encounter with the movie was on cable. I was probably 12/13 years old and as soon as Leatherface showed up I got really freaked out and turned the TV off. I didn’t know what I was watching.”  Somehow he gathered the courage to switch on the TV and complete the movie. The movie surely made an impact on him!

Have you watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre yet? What are your reviews? Let us know in the comments.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

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