Thanos May Be Alive, Suggests Deleted Scenes
The Endgame hangover has not left the fans, and a new detail is sure to add to the fan frenzy — Iron Man to Thanos rule fan fictions and fan theories. But the latest news is that it may be possible that Thanos is alive after Endgame. Isn’t it just surprising? With no prior clues, the confirmation that the supervillain is alive. The whole course of Marvel will then be different than fan’s expectations. A deleted scene nearly confirmed this for the Marvel viewers.
Deleted Scenes Released

Disney + just stepped into business and seems like they are here to stay. With engaging content, they have captured attention. The ties Of Disney+ to Marvel is another plus point to the newest member to the media sharing companies. Meanwhile, the launch of Disney+ has come with another advantage to Marvel fans. One of the deleted scenes has currently grabbed attention among fans with supporting the theory that Thanos may be alive.
The Snap May Not Be Final

In the deleted scene that has created the ruckus is an exchange between The Ancient One and Hulk. The gist of the conversation reveals that Thanos‘ snap would not have killed anyone. They might be in another dimension of reality. Also, there are chances that they may even come back to the “Avengers” world. However, it is not a possibility that Black Widow, who died due to injuries, will come back. It is also possible that Iron Man’s snap can even be renounced bringing back the Mad Titan.
What’s Next?

The deleted scene has raised so many questions amongst Marvel enthusiasts on the future of the franchise. It is possible that the favourite characters will return. If they return, it can create new plotlines and eventually new movies. What might have seemed like may not be the end?
Sources: WeGotThisCovered, ScreenRant