In Steve Carrel’s romantic comedy movie, Crazy Stupid Love,  the leading actress, Emma Stones’ love interest was initially played by singer Josh Groban before he was replaced by Ryan Gosling.  He obtained the role in a pretty conventional manner. Groban in an interview joked about the fact that he struggled with playing the role and how he was shocked by the unexpected kissing scene he had with Stone.

Emma Stone and Josh Groban from Crazy Stupid Love
Emma Stone and Josh Groban from Crazy Stupid Love

Josh Groban surprised with his first on-screen kiss

In an interview with GQ Magazine, Josh Groban shared an interesting anecdote about his  first experience with kissing on camera,  said that the kiss itself was a surprise, and it briefly it sent him into a state of panic. He revealed that during one of his scenes, the director felt that it was feeling a little goofy and said, “Let’s make the scene more believable with a kiss at the end“. Groban was surprised by this offer because he had never kissed in front of the camera. Emma Stone , who played his co-star, was a total pro and made him feel at ease by removing her lip gloss and asking him if it was alright with him.

Groban described the kiss as “my deer in ‘Stand by Me, a moment alone that no one will ever be able to treasure but me”. 

“I went in for the audition and after one reading the casting director said, ‘Oh my god, you’re just perfect.’ I was really excited for a moment, then it dawned on me: ‘I just nailed the douchebag character.’ I could have used a few takes, maybe some notes to get me there. But no, I guess I had it in me all along”.

Also Read: “She realizes she doesn’t want to marry him”: Emma Stone Left Her Director Speechless With Her Intense Moment With ‘Crazy, Stupid, Love’ Co-star

Ryan Gosling’s best role for being the best love

It was the first time for Stone to collaborate with Ryan Gosling in a film. In addition to Groban, Gosling had already been chosen as the leading character by filmmakers Glenn Ficarra and John Requa. Along with Gosling, other performers were put through their paces, but Stone was quite confident and stood out due to how she reacted to her future co-star. The director, Glenn Ficarra, also felt that Stone was the one who wasn’t nervous around Gosling during the auditions, while others were. Ficarra also recounted the chemistry that worked between Stone and Gosling and the moment they decided to cast Gosling for the lovers’ part.  Ficarra told Entertainment Weekly,

A still of Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling from Crazy Stupid Love
A still of Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling from Crazy Stupid Love

“When Emma came in, she sat down and was ready to go; Ryan walked in, immediately flubbed his first line, and she just laid into him, like, “Oh, you’re killing this buddy.” She was the only one not to be intimidated by him, and at that moment, John and I knew, “All right, this is it; she’s right for the part”. 

Ficcara continued to say that both of them really got along very well; they had a very similar sense of humor and riffed off each other really well. He believed that their growing friendship would really help them contribute realistic emotion to the scene.

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Glenn Ficarra commented on  Emma Stone’s exceptional acting skills

A still of Emma Stone in Crazy Stupid Love
A still of Emma Stone in Crazy Stupid Love

Ficarra also mentioned the exceptional acting skills that Stone had. The filmmaker was quite pleased with a major scene that Stone had with Groban.  Ficarra remembers that during an emotional scene, Stone showcased a range of emotions and went into a deep dramatic state that left them awe. He said that he was taken aback by how deep she went in one of the scenes with Josh Groban and that he could see it in her eyes.

He turned to his co-director and said,

She’s going to be a phenomenal dramatic actress. I would love to see her in a drama or direct her in one. Consequently, she’s top of our list all the time. 

Also Read: “I thought I was Rambo”: Ryan Gosling’s Traumatic Childhood Got Barbie Actor Suspended After He Put His Classmates in Real Danger

Source : Showbiz Cheat Sheet

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