At the 2023 Grammy Awards on Sunday night, Madonna graced the stage to present Sam Smith and Kim Petras’ performance of their Grammy-winning song, Unholy. She praised the pair for being risk-takers, provocative, and contentious in their musical choices. She accessorized with Loree Rodkin jewelry, fishnet stockings, purple platform shoes, and a black blazer dress that matched her maxi skirt. She also wore a white collared shirt and a black tie underneath. The music legend has faced a lot of backlash in recent years for her striking appearance, but this year, after her altered appearance sparked speculation about plastic surgery, people were quick to mock the singer and even dubbed her “crazy.”

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The Frozen On Fire singer said as she stepped onto the stage, “Are you ready to participate in a little debate? Let’s make some noise, people. You guys will rest over here.” So, here’s what I’ve discovered after forty years in music: If people describe you as surprising, scandalous, problematic, controversial, provocative, or dangerous, they’re absolutely onto something,” the pop diva added.

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With a series of videos showing her smiling and having fun at the awards event, Madonna responded to the naysayers in a new Instagram post published on Tuesday. Madonna wrote,

“It was a privilege for me to present Sam Smith and Kim Petras at the Grammy Awards. I had intended to deliver the last award, Album of the Year, but I decided it was more important to present the first transgender person to perform at the Grammys. Additionally, she received a Grammy award.”

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The Vogue singer’s strange appearance drew criticism online after the award ceremony was broadcast; many trolls claimed that she underwent unsuccessful plastic surgery.

Also Read: Madonna Then vs. Now: Has She Really Done Plastic Surgery To Look Younger?

Madonna blames ageism and misogyny for criticism about her appearance at the 2023 Grammysmadonna1

As a result, her stirring speech was put on hold. Madonna continued by saying that she has never expressed regret over how she looks and that she won’t begin now before making a reference to Beyoncé’s Renaissance single, Break My Soul. She wrote,

“Since the beginning of my career, the media has degraded me, but I understand that this is all a test, and I am happy to do the trailblazing so that all the women who follow after me will have an easier time in the years to come.”

It continues,

“Once again, I find myself in the spotlight of ageism and misogyny that permeate our society. A society that does not value women after the age of 45 and feels the need to penalize them if they are still independent, diligent, and daring.”

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She released a backstage video montage with the message, which featured shots of her French-kissing with the not-so-tongue-tied musician Dopey and having a good time with Sam Smith, Cardi B, Ab-Soul, and DJ Honey Dijon.

Source: Variety

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