Hollywood held its most awaited premiere of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker last night, and one famous star on the carpet was Kevin Smith. He had tweeted a picture of a coin from The Mandalorian. It was given to him by the series’ creator, Jon Favreau. He was immensely pleased with the gift and tweeted, saying how he would only give it up if he could see the movie again at the moment.

star wars rise of skywalker button 082019 03 1566704469507About the final chapter:

And as to say, the movie was also attended by others, too, and everyone voiced opinions and appreciation via social media. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is the last chapter of the Star Wars trilogy. Which means this is an end to the Skywalker saga. It was JJ Abrams, who had directed 2015’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and talked about the challenges of closing the book on the thrilling saga of the time in a previous interview. He goes on to say how he finds ending quite scary in an emotional way. To him, the ending isn’t just about closing the book but also about closing unanswered questions and bringing everyone together.


The story that is:

star wars rise of skywalker rey spotlight 1572975046

He was also the one who had chosen to return Emperor Palpatine, a villain from the original series, and to bring the entire story together. He does agree on why some people find to bring the character back very distasteful, but he believes that to bring the nine films together as one single story, one needs to incorporate ways to seem like it is all an only film in the ninth chapter at a clear view. This way, the story is said to have completed as per Abram according to his interview with Empire magazine.

Source: comicbook


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