James Wan’s horror movie The Conjuring (2013) was a big hit at the box office. It earned a staggering $319.5 million on a mere $20 million dollar budget and it also resonated surprisingly well with both critics and horror fans alike. As a whole, it revived the horror genre and started a horror franchise, the latest of which was Annabelle. But what drew audiences towards this movie?

The Original House Still Lives On

The house is very real and very Haunted. Pic courtesy: bloodydisgusting.com
The house is very real and very Haunted. Pic courtesy: bloodydisgusting.com

No one can deny that the initial curiosity towards the movie came from the fact that it was based on real life events. When the trailer flashed-“Based on a true story” it was right then and there that the audiences knew this was something different. But not many actually researched the actual original story and even if they did, nobody paid any real attention to the house itself. Instead many chose to focus on the events which unfolded there. But we decided to look into the house itself so that you don’t have to.

The Conjuring House Is Still Haunted

The original house is still Haunted say new owners. Pic courtesy: pedestrian TV.
The original house is still Haunted say new owners. Pic courtesy: pedestrian TV.

The creepy house featured in The Conjuring was based on an actual real life property. It was located in Rhode Island. The house was recently purchased by Cory and Jennifer Heinzen, and even they suspect that it’s really haunted. Apparently, nothing’s changed much. It’s very similar to when the real life Warrens first investigated the residence. The pair bought the farmhouse (also known as the Old Arnold estate) in June of 2019. The new owners insist that the house is disturbed by supernatural activity. But they have also said they’re able to deal with the situation because they’re trained paranormal investigators.

Cory has witnessed “doors opening, footsteps and knocks.” He also said:

I have…“a hard time staying there by myself. I don’t have the feeling of anything evil, (but) it’s very busy. You can tell there’s a lot of things going on …”

Even though the film followed the real life events of the Perron family, it’s fascinating to know that the house still is considered haunted. It makes the movie franchise that much more fascinating and lively.

Check out the video below to know about the real life story that inspired the movie Conjuring:


(Source: wegotthiscovered.com and movieweb.com)

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