The 55 year old movie star – Marc Moran who is playing a role in the upcoming movie Joker was the guest on the Late Night with Conan O’Brien. Marc Maron said he was proud to have not seen Avengers: Endgame. This topic came up when Conan O’Brien mentioned people thought he played the young Stan Lee in Endgame. Maron said he’s never been in a Marvel movie and he had some issues with them. He says, “I have some issues with them and I generally don’t like them. I don’t wanna be bullied into seeing those movies. I’m a grown-up, I’m not seven, and I think those movies are for grown, male nerd childs.”

Someone in the audience “ooohed” and Marc Maron directly lashed out at them — saying because “you guys” are now “in charge of culture,” he has to drive 15-20 minutes to a smaller theatre to watch a movie for grown-ups. It was his honest but sarcastic opinion. He wasn’t serious seemed to be taking this rather light heartedly and probably expected the crowd to do the same. Later, it appeared he returned to the issue in another Twitter post:

(Twitter Handle)


Marvel fans aren’t taking this well.

Marvel fans aren’t taking this well.
Yeah, you can imagine all the marvel fans going Banner on Marc.

Naturally, the furious marvel fans began to express their comments on social media against Maron. The actor lashed his reply outrageously saying “Hey, Marvel movie fans! Stop acting like outraged religious fanatics defending their belief system. It’s okay if I don’t believe. Let it go. Also, I’m actually big fan of a lot of comic art. Try to relax your mainstream asses,” on twitter. Since then, Maron was left to fend off other comments and accusations of hypocrisy.  

(Twitter Handle)


He just wanted to work with Robert De Niro, who is also in Joker.

He just wanted to work with Robert De Niro, who is also in Joker.
A Movie Still from Joker


Marc has made it clear that the reason he’s acting in the DC film is because he wanted the opportunity to work with De Niro which also stars Joaquin Phoenix. However, the enraged actor has acknowledged that his words may have been “triggering” to some fans on Twitter. He wrote, “Apparently, the consensus is I’m allowed to have my opinion about MCU but the use of the word ‘nerd’ and ‘grown man child’ and any suggestion of cultural infantilism was triggering. I get it. Noted,”

(Twitter handle)


Youtube video:

Marc Maron’s Issues With Marvel Movies | CONAN on TBS

Release Dates: Joker will be released on October 4th, 2019.

Sources: Comic Book, Cinema Blend


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