Among the greatest revelations in Terminator: Dark Fate’s first trailer was that Mackenzie Davis’ brand-new character Grace is found to be a Terminator herself. this revelation comes in the form of her synthetic skin peeking out during a highway battle with Gabriel Luna’s unrelenting killer robotic, confirming her being a Terminator.


Dark Fate, What now?

Terminator: Dark Fate
The Terminator: Dark Fate has Grace who underwent a painful process for her suicide objective

According to the Terminator: Dark Fate director Tim Miller, Grace’s cybernetic body comes at a price which in reality, is worse than what it seems. She is a cyborg who underwent a painful process for her suicide objective back to the past. And from the first idea, it was constantly a female. I didn’t simply want a woman who might physically fit the role but mentally. Mackenzie truly wanted to do it; she came after the role.

The first trailer has Grace insist she is still human, even after her real nature ends up being exposed to Sarah Connor and Dani, a girl targeted by Luna’s Rev-9 Terminator. The trailer also revealed the Rev-9 to be a mix of liquid metal and a hard metal endoskeleton, effectively capable of being in 2 types at once and making it the most formidable Terminator.

Directed by Tim Miller and produced by James Cameron, Terminator: Dark Fate stars famous and familiar stars Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Mackenzie Davis, Gabriel Luna, Natalia Reyes, and Diego Boneta.

Why Davis?

Image result for Terminator: Dark Fate Why Davis?
Miller talks about his choice of Mackenzie Davis for the role

“And from the very first idea, it was always a female. I didn’t just desire a lady who could physically fit the role but emotionally. Mackenzie truly wanted to do it; she came after the role.” Says Miller when asked about his choice of Mackenzie Davis for this role. After hearing this, we ask: Why not Davis? We assure you of one thing, Dark Fate is successful in keeping things interesting, while not completely keeping you in the ‘dark’.





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