Deborah Ann Woll’s portrayal of Karen Page in Daredevil played a significant role in the show’s immense popularity on Netflix. Her exceptional performance, coupled with the remarkable cast, contributed to the series’ overall perfection. Woll’s depiction of Karen Page added depth and complexity to the story, capturing viewers’ hearts and further solidifying the show’s success.

Alongside Charlie Cox’s brilliant portrayal of Daredevil/Matt Murdock and Vincent D’Onofrio’s perfect embodiment of Wilson “Kingpin” Fisk, Woll’s performance was a crucial element that made the series truly exceptional. It is unfortunate to note, however, that despite her significant contributions, it appears that Woll may not be part of Disney Plus’ upcoming series, Daredevil: Born Again.

Deborah Ann Woll as Karen Page in Daredevil
Deborah Ann Woll as Karen Page in Daredevil

Read More: Worst Things To Happen In Netflix’s Daredevil

Deborah Ann Woll Won’t Be A Part Of the MCU or DC

In a recent press conference, Deborah Ann Woll confirms that she won’t be featuring in either MCU’s Daredevil:Born Again or in any DC shows.

“There is no plans for me so far on either side (MCU or DC) of the comic book universe.”

Charlie Cox has expressed his strong desire to reunite with the original Daredevil cast members, including Elden Henson and Deborah Ann Woll. Cox, who has previously spoken about his willingness to work with his former co-stars, remains hopeful that the upcoming series, Daredevil: Born Again, could bring the entire gang back together.

Deborah Ann Woll confirming that she won't return as Karen Page
Deborah Ann Woll confirming that she won’t return as Karen Page

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In a statement to Variety last year, Cox expressed his admiration for his colleagues from the Netflix Marvel shows, referring to them as the “beating heart” of those series. He conveyed his deep appreciation for the opportunity to collaborate with the entire cast, emphasizing his honor and enthusiasm to work with any of them again.

Cox’s sentiments reflect his sincere desire to see Henson and Woll return, showcasing his commitment to preserving the camaraderie and dynamic that made the original Daredevil show such a success. While the specifics of their involvement in Daredevil: Born Again are yet to be confirmed, Cox’s hopes for a reunion with his fellow cast members to stand as a testament to the strong bond they developed during their time working together.

Does The Blip Explain The Absence of Karen Page from Daredevil: Born Again?

Daredevil: Born Again, the upcoming Disney+ series, may utilize the MCU’s five-year Blip as an explanation for not bringing back certain supporting characters from the original Netflix series. The Blip refers to the time between Thanos’s Decimation and the Battle of Earth when half of all life in the universe was erased. This period remains relatively unexplored in the MCU, including the experiences of characters like Daredevil. Setting Born Again during the Blip would offer an intriguing opportunity to delve into Daredevil’s activities and the impact of his friends disappearing.

Read More: Charlie Cox Was Desperate to Become Daredevil after Reading the First 2 Scripts: “Two of the best television scripts I’ve read”

By incorporating the Blip into the storyline, Marvel could justify the return of characters like the Punisher and the Kingpin, while leaving out others such as Deborah Ann Woll’s Karen Page, Claire Temple, and Foggy Nelson. Those who don’t reappear in the Disney+ series could be revealed as additional victims of Thanos’s snap, providing a plausible explanation for their absence.

Difference between The Snap and The Blip
Difference between The Snap and The Blip

This approach would seamlessly align with the timeline of Netflix’s Daredevil series, which concluded in 2018, shortly after Avengers: Infinity War. Thus, Born Again could pick up shortly after Daredevil‘s third season, continuing where the show left off while shedding light on Matt Murdock’s whereabouts during the interim period leading up to his cameo in No Way Home.

Read This: Daredevil’s Deborah Woll is ‘Struggling With Self-Doubt’ Over Lack of Acting Jobs Since Marvel Role

Daredevil: Born Again will have 18 episodes all coming out sometime in early 2024.


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