Danny Masterson, known for playing Steven Hyde in the teen sitcom That ’70s Show, was best friends with his show co-stars Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis for a long time. The bond was so strong that they even wrote character letters for him when he was convicted back in September 2023.

Danny Masterson
Danny Masterson | Picture by Oscar Rohena | Source: Wikimedia Commons

Fast forward to this year, Kutcher and Kunis are allegedly still in touch with Masterson’s family. They seem to have no hard feelings with the family as a news outlet has recently reported that they were seen having dinner with another Masterson sibling.

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis Are Reportedly Still in Touch with Danny Masterson’s Family

Mila Kunis confirms Ashton Kutcher was drunk on tequila when he said I love you
Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher in a still from That ’70s Show | Source: Fox

Ashton Kutcher began his acting career with the sitcom That ’70s Show as the character Michael Kelso for eight seasons. Mila Kunis, who began her journey in the entertainment industry at a young age, earned recognition with her role as Jackie Burkhart on the show. Much like Kunis, Danny Masterson also began his career in the entertainment industry at a young age and played Steven Hyde for all eight seasons.

Working together on the shows for eight seasons, from 1998 to 2006 (although Kutcher was only a guest star in the eighth season), resulted in the three stars developing a friendship for the ages. Everything was going well between them until Masterson was convicted for two counts of r*pe in May 2023. Despite this, Kunis and Kutcher did not refrain from writing him character letters to defend him (via RadarOnline.com). When the information became public, they issued an apology for the letters.

That said, RadarOnline.com recently reported that Kutcher and Kunis were seen having dinner with Jordan Masterson, Danny Masterson’s half-brother. In fact, a source told the outlet that they still consider Jordan Masterson and his sister Alanna Masterson “part of their extended L.A. family”. Like his convicted brother, Jordan Masterson allegedly also practices Scientology.

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis Have Reportedly Not Forgiven Danny Masterson for His Crimes

Danny Masterson
Danny Masterson in That ’70s Show | Source: Fox

Kutcher and Kunis being still in touch with the family might not bode well for some, but the source has justified their decisions to the outlet, saying:

Ashton and Mila grew up on the set of the original That ’70s Show with the younger Masterson kids around all the time. They look at them almost like younger siblings of their own because Danny was their best friend on planet earth at the time.

That leads us to the question about their relationship with their former co-star, are they alright with what he did? The insider claimed that they certainly do not oversee their friend’s crimes.

Do they forgive Danny for his horrible crimes? Not in the slightest. But he was their friend for many years and in that time, they became close to Danny’s family. That’s not an easy bond to break.

According to the Los Angeles Times, in September 2023,  Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Charlaine Olmedo sentenced Masterson to prison for 30 years -15 years for each of the two counts of r*pe – in the state prison. The assaults had happened in the early 2000s but the former Scientology-practicing victims claimed that their religion prohibited them from reporting a fellow Scientologist.

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