Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy is still considered to be the best trilogy ever made on comic characters. With his trilogy, the character of Batman was back on the map, and it also gave us the iconic performance of Heath Ledger’s Joker. It’s been a while since the trilogy was released. Even though fans love it, there are a few things that have surprisingly aged poorly and the fans have noticed it. So, let’s take a look at them!

1. The Batman Voice

Dark Knight trilogy: Things that aged poorly
Dark Knight trilogy: Things that aged poorly

Bale had two voices when it came to Batman Begins, one for communication and the other for intimidation. It all worked well as he gave us the iconic ‘I am Batman‘ line. However, when it came to Dark Knight and Dark Knight Rises, Nolan and Bale decided to drop the softer, raspy voice altogether. Now, all that was left was the growly voice which became monotonous and a victim of several parodies.

2. Restricting Suits

Dark Knight trilogy: Things that aged poorly
Dark Knight trilogy: Things that aged poorly

Batman is supposed to be one of the most skilled fighters in the DC universe, right? But it’s sad to see that Bale wasn’t able to reach his full potential, and it was all because of the suit. He knew how to fight, but the suits were restricting his movement. Even the so-called upgraded suit for Dark Knight and Dark Knight Rises didn’t come with much change.

3. Inconsistent Pacing

Dark Knight trilogy: Things that aged poorly
Dark Knight trilogy: Things that aged poorly

No one is doubting Nolan’s skills, but the movie suffers inconsistent pacing. For example, when Bane takes over Gotham, months pass by but the editing makes it seem as if only days have passed by. On the other hand, Bale doesn’t even suit as Batman until the halfway mark. His escape from the pit makes the movie a bit dull. Moreover, his escape is right away cut to him being in Gotham City under maximum lockdown. Rest, the movie is still iconic.

4. Batman’s Sacrifice – Really?

Dark Knight trilogy: Things that aged poorly
Dark Knight trilogy: Things that aged poorly

The movie establishes Joseph Gordan Levitt’s John Blake as the new Batman. Later, we find Bruce well and alive, retired with Seline Kyle. But how is he still alive? How did he manage to escape the explosion? First, the movie doesn’t show his plane being slowed down. Second, nobody jumps out of it or nobody ejects the chair and goes up. All of this lessens the impact of Batman’s sacrifice, all for the sake of a happy ending.

5. Magic Knees

Dark Knight trilogy: Things that aged poorly
Dark Knight trilogy: Things that aged poorly

It is quickly established in The Dark Night Rises that Bruce has lost all cartilage in his knees and this, is a major problem. But then by the third half of the movie, he is miraculously fine and back in action. Cartilage does not grow back so conveniently, not without the help of a surgeon. It is a plothole because an injury that is so major and can take a long time to heal was just removed so easily to fit in the plot. Regardless of everything, The Dark Knight trilogy was a masterpiece and we can ignore some realism considering it is all from a comic book.

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