There have been several toys and replicas that have released ever since Infinity War hit theatres last year. However, this brand new big-sized replica of the Gauntlet boasts a unique feature that all other Gauntlets don’t have: removable LED Infinity Stones. These gems are magnetic and light up with a pulsating effect when they’re placed in the sockets.

Infinity Gauntlet Has Removable Stones That Light Up

New Infinity Gauntlet
New Infinity Gauntlet

Not just that but the best part is that The Infinity Gauntlet is available for only $27.99 on Amazon, which happens to be way cheaper than the Infinity Gauntlet Electronic Fist by Hasbro Marvel Legends. Obviously, the latter has more additional features than the former like sound effects and articulated fingers. However, the removable stone effect on the cheaper version makes it unique for any Thanos cosplay to take a notch. It looks equally incredible.

Also Read: 15 Things Fans Should Know About The Infinity Gauntlet

Infinity Gauntlet: Price and Stock

This Infinity Gauntlet is cheaper and better
This New Infinity Gauntlet is cheaper and better

In San Diego comic con 2019, this exclusive Infinity Gauntlet will capture the moment Thanos snapped his fingers, wiping out half the existence. The New Infinity Gauntlet can be pre-ordered for a price of $19.99 along with its shipping and the stock is only limited to 2500 units. The gauntlets have so far been sold like hot cakes due to its low price so it’s likely that it won’t be long until the 2500 pieces run out. Go get yourself one till the stock lasts.

Avengers: Endgame by Marvel Studios is our in theatres now. Fans may also expect to see Infinity Gauntlet toys with unique design soon, so stay tuned.

Source: Comicbook, Entertainment Earth

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