The official trailer for the upcoming Marvel film, Thor: Love and Thunder, has confirmed a major plot point. In the trailer we see Russell Crowe playing the character named Zeus in this standalone film from Hollywood’s Marvel universe. But we now know that his role ends with him dying – which is more than unfortunate. It makes sense after all. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has to face Russell Crowe’s Zeus’ demise to introduce Hercules in Phase 4.

Related: How Different is Gorr the God Butcher in Thor: Love and Thunder From The Comics?

Russell Crowe As Zeus in Love and Thunder
Russell Crowe As Zeus in Love and Thunder

Will Gorr The God Butcher Kill Russell Crowe’s Zeus In Thor 4?

In light of the recent events at Asgard, it’s unlikely that fans will be led to believe that the magic and powers of Thor: Love and Thunder will center on Gorr’s crusade. The story is likely going to center on the battle between Thor and Gorr instead. In this regard, Marvel included a character from Greek mythology to prove how vicious and dangerous Gorr is. This character would be Zeus, as he’s usually considered a God who wields great power by other deities. If they could somehow make this happen in the film then viewers might actually see how strong a villain Gorr really is. For example, he could kill Zeus which would certainly surprise people watching. It might seem extreme but these are treacherous times Marvel characters are living in. After defeating him, Gorr could even go so far as to assassinate every God on Mt Olympus.

Related: Thor: Love & Thunder Easter Eggs From The Latest Trailer We All Missed

Will Gorr the God Butcher kill Russell Crowe's Zeus in Love and Thunder
Gorr the God Butcher in Love and Thunder

Valkyrie Is Seen Using Zeus’ Thunderbolt In Thor 4’s Trailer

In the official trailer for Thor: Love and Thunder film, we see Valkyrie using the Thunderbolt rays while having a fight with Gorr the God Butcher. In addition to the fact that she is in possession of this power. It suggests that Russell Crowe might become a victim of the God Butcher.

Related: What To Expect From The Upcoming Thor: Love and Thunder Trailer?

Valkyrie will take Russell Crowe's Zeus' Thunderbolt in Love and Thunder
Valkyrie in Love and Thunder

This is entirely speculation that is assumed after watching the entire trailer of Thor: Love and Thunder. We’ll all know the rest once the film hits the theaters. With that being said, Thor 4 will hit the theaters on 8th July this year.

Watch the trailer here:

Marvel Studios' Thor: Love and Thunder | Official Trailer | In Cinemas 8 July 2022

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