Tom Holland is one of the most popular actors of this generation. He made his debut with The Impossible and made his mark on the screen as a teenager. He went on to appear in How I Live Now, In the Heart of the Sea, and the miniseries Wolf Hall before debuting in the MCU.

Tom Holland
Tom Holland (Image via. Variety)

Tom Holland started his journey in the MCU as the ever-popular Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil War. Although the movie was crowded with stars, Holland seemed to make a distinction in the critics’ as well as the audiences’ hearts, which landed him a BAFTA. Due to his on-screen childish charm and impeccable timing for comedy, he became the youngest actor to play a title role in the MCU in Spider-Man: Homecoming. The sequels Spider-Man: Far From Home and Spider-Man: No Way Home grossed over $1 billion worldwide and even became the highest-grossing film of the year. 

It is no surprise that the MCU holds great importance in Tom Holland’s life and career trajectory. Recently, he sat down with the SAG-AFTRA for a Q&A video, and he opened up about his Marvel co-stars who do not hold back while criticizing him. 

Tom Holland opens up about the three Marvel superstars who are his go-to for honest criticism

In a recent interview with the SAG-AFTRA Foundation about The Crowded Room, one of his works that appeared on Apple TV+ in June 2023, he opened up about how he goes to his Marvel co-stars for acting advice and how they do not hold back while criticizing his work.

Also Read: Spider-Man 4 Update Has Everyone Convinced Tom Holland is Fighting for a Grounded Movie, Not Another Multiverse Hopping Flick

Tom Holland
Tom Holland (Image via. IndieWire)

The interviewer asked him whose criticism Holland values when it comes to his acting. He also asks whose advice Holland listens to and believes that they are telling the truth. 

Tom Holland quite adorably takes Zendaya’s name at the very beginning. He says: 

“Zendaya is probably the most honest with me, which I love, because you need that.”

Tom Holland and Zendaya
Tom Holland and Zendaya (Image via. Elle)

He then went on to talk about Robert Downey Jr. and jokingly said how he is too honest at times:

“Downey is very honest. Sometimes a little too honest.”

Then he jokingly says,

“I’ve seen Dolittle, bro. Don’t f*cking bring that up. I love him obviously.”

He also goes on to praise Downey Jr. for his performance in Oppenheimer.

“I really respect Downey’s opinion; he taught me so much, and I always sing his praises. I love the guy; I admire him. I don’t know if you guys have seen Oppenheimer yet, but he’s absolutely staggering in it; he steals the movie for me.”

Also Read: Tom Holland “Won’t Make” Spider-Man 4 Movie Unless It Protects His MCU Legacy as Spider-Man

Robert Downey Jr. and Tom Holland
Robert Downey Jr. and Tom Holland (Image via. The Nerd Stash)

He went on to mention how Benedict Cumberbatch is a co-star whose opinion and honest criticism matter a lot to him.

“Benedict Cumberbatch is someone I ask for advice a lot about acting. I went through a phase where I was really, really struggling to cry—in my personal life, also. And it was really affecting me on set.”

The Spider-Man actor then goes on to rave about Cumberbatch’s role in The Imitation Game and how there is an emotional and beautiful scene where he cries:

“There’s that beautiful scene at the end of the film where he breaks down,” Holland continued. “And I just remember watching that as a kid, just sort of being blown away by it. And I was lucky to be working with him on a film called Current War, and I remember asking him like, ‘How did you do that?’”

Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Holland
Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Holland (Image via. The Hollywood Reporter)

He continued, saying:

“[Cumberbatch] would do this thing where he would kind of simulate laughing and he would breathe really, really quickly. And that would, sort of, I guess, bring the emotion to the surface, and then he could just take it and ride the wave from there.”

There is no doubt all of them had significant roles to play in Tom Holland’s life. Zendaya is the current partner of Tom Holland, and Downey Jr. almost serves as a mentor to him. Cumberbatch and Holland have appeared in the MCU in two movies so far: The Avengers: Infinity War and Spider-Man: No Way Home. The audience can’t wait to get more of them in the future.

Will Tom Holland appear in a fourth Spider-Man movie?

The web-slinging superhero’s last appearance on Marvel was in 2021, making it one of the largest gaps between sequels in the MCU. In a recent press conference of the Critics Choice Association attended by Collider’s Christina Radish, he said:

“All I can say is that we have been actively engaging in conversations about what it could potentially look like for a fourth rendition of my character. Whether or not we can find a way to do justice to the character is another thing. I feel very protective of Spider-Man. I feel very, very lucky that we were able to work on a franchise that got better with each movie, that got more successful with each movie.”

Also Read: Tom Holland Reveals Real Reason He’s “Very protective” Over Spider-Man 4

Tom Holland as Spider-Man
Tom Holland as Spider-Man (Image via. USA Today)

He said clearly that he would not make a movie just for the sake of making it. He would only do it if it added value to his character and the franchise.

“I want to protect his legacy. So, I won’t make another one for the sake of making another one. It will have to be worth the while of the character.”

Tom Holland as Spider-Man
Tom Holland as Spider-Man (Image via. The Mary Sue)

However, fans have reasons to hope that Spider-Man 4 might be happening, as he said he would be a fool not to wear his superhero suit if the perfect script came along:

“But that said, if we can figure that out, I would be a fool not to put the suit back on again because I owe everything to Spider-Man. I love the character and the people I get to work with. So, I would love to tell another story, but I’ll only tell it if we can find the right one.”

Tom Holland is one of those actors who manifested his dream roles. He had been a fan of Spider-Man and grew up watching Garfield’s Spider-Man films. Needless to say, his obsession with the character gave him the much-needed understanding he required for the role, and he absolutely outshined everyone.

All the Spider-Man movies featuring Tom Holland are available to watch on Disney+.

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