Tom Holland Or Andrew Garfield: Who Has Better Web Shooters?
There is no denial that Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man started a fantastic era, but Sam Raimi changed a lot of things of the character and the biggest one was that his webbing was “organic”. It didn’t come out of a gadget he invented like in comics but instead came from his wrist, which was kind of gross. (So he doesn’t even stand a chance in the comparison.)
Then came Marc Webb’s The Amazing Spiderman and Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man invented his own web-shooters, which were accurate to the ones in comics. When Tom Holland’s Spider-Man made his long awaited MCU debuted, Marvel stuck to the “invented” web-shooter idea and made them as realistic as possible.
Tom Holland recently claimed that his shooters made more sense compared to Andrew Garfield’s.
Tom Holland went on to recollect his very first Web – shooter and it was covered in Marvel Studios and Abrams Books “The Moviemaking Magic of Marvel Studios: Spider-Man” and Tom said that his web-shooters were the most realistic version of Spidey’s gadget unlike Andrew Garfield’s tiny devices.

In the book, Tom Holland’s quote states that what he loved about the original web-shooters is that they were are real as they could be, additionally he also spoke about Andrew’s web-shooters and said they do not make any sense to him!
Peter Parker is a young genius but he still doesn’t have resources (and money of course) so all he has are his brains to use but they can just take him to a certain point. And that clearly showed in the first movie when the first web-shooters which appeared in the Captain America: The Civil War were actually kind of heavy and it did look like something Peter would have made at his home. He also seemed to have added some parts together and filled it up with the web fluid he made in his school chemistry class. His web-shooters later advanced when Tony Stark started giving him high-tech gadgets.

However, in Andrew Garfield’s defence,
His Spider-Man was actually more comic accurate compared to Tom’s. For starters, Tom’s version of Peter Parker is being mentored by Tony Stark. But the Peter Parker from comics, always worked alone. As a result, this Amazing Spider-Man had to only depend on himself as he designed his own gear and thus Andrew Garfield’s films were somewhere in between of style and real world.

Tom Holland’s Spider-Man does get all the high end tech from Tony Stark, but yet he is responsible for creating his own web fluid which he uses all the time. But some credit goes to the genius brain of Iron Man who helped him get a more advanced web-shooter and even incorporated some crazy web projectiles like electrified webbing.
So Tom’s Spidey had the kind of funding Andrew’s Spider- Man could dream of. In case, Spider-Man: No Way Home does feature Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield, it would be really cool if they give a reference to their individual Web- Shooters.
Maybe Tom Holland is right that Andrew Garfield’s web-shooters make no sense, but possibly it was the really accurate to the comics.