Spider-Man: Far From Home is just a few days away from its release. The Marvel fans will watch Jake Gyllenhaal as Mysterio in the movie. As the day approaches, we saw a recent Instagram post on Jake’s account showing a funny/chilled or rather tongue-in-cheek type of role.

Jake Gyllenhaal Posts A Video On Instagram

Jake Gyllenhaal as Mysterio in Spider-Man: Far From Home
Jake Gyllenhaal as Mysterio in Spider-Man: Far From Home

On social media, Gyllenhaal posted a funny video to commiserate his post-premiere blues. In the video, he was seen wearing his Mysterio’s fishbowl Helmet. He attempts to eat chips and fish, while attempts to drink a beer through the helmet but failed to do so.


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Post Spider-Man premiere blues. #spidermanfarfromhome

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The video is receiving lots of positive and sweet response. The director of Far From Home, John Watts said jokingly that this should be the post credit scene for the film. As funny as the video seems, Gyllenhaal said in an interview that the “fishbowl helmet” was awkward as well.

Gyllenhaal Was ‘Sick’ Of Mysyterio’s Helmet

Spider-Man: Far From Home
Spider-Man: Far From Home releases on July 2

He further said, “I was a little worried about the fish head thing, but ultimately, the suit is sick, and that was that.” In a funny gesture he said “After I learned how to fly, one of the things that I wanted to make sure of was that I could fly with the actual fishbowl on my head, so Marvel gave me one, and then also I filled it with smoke and would fly around with it on my head and it worked. Then I was ready to make the movie.”

For years Gyllenhaal was being pursued by fans to cast in the comic book movie universe. Now that he is here, he looks happy in his role of Quentin Beck/Mysterio.

Gyllenhaal said that “It’s great.” He said about Mysterio:

“He’s a great character. It’s one of those things, people have asked me for a number of years, ‘You wanna do a movie like that? If you were asked to, would you?’ And my response has always been, particularly since being at Sundance, so many of the stories have always been, for many years since I’ve been coming here, character-driven, and that has always been my desire, is to find something in that space, that seems to match my skill and also my own honesty. And it just so happened that it does with that part, so I’m glad that people feel excited about it.”

Source: Comicbook.com, Instagram

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