Someone who’s born has to die one day. That’s the ultimate truth of life. However, this does not imply on TV characters. Their fate is in the makers’ hands. They decide when they appear and die in the series and movies. But, there are times when our favorite TV characters face a death that they don’t deserve. So, here’s a list of 15 TV characters who deserved a different and better ending. Check it out! Also, we’ll come up with Part 2 of this list. So watch out the space for more!

1. Cordelia Chase In “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” And “Angel

Cordelia Chase
Cordelia Chase

She went on from being a mean girl to a selfless heroic woman. Later, she was sent into a coma and then die. She deserved a better ending.

2. Castiel in “Supernatural


Poor Castiel had just started to realize his love for Dean. But, his character was put to an end to save the Winchester brothers. Cas surely deserved an “I love you too” and some love!

3. Regina Mills In “Once Upon A Time

Regina Mills
Regina Mills

Even though she got her ‘happy ending’, she deserved Robin. Everyone got the loves of their life except for Regina.

4. Dean Winchester In “Supernatural

Dean Winchester in Supernatural
Dean Winchester in Supernatural

He saved people for 15 years only to be killed by a sharp object in the end. Given his role, he definitely deserved a different ending.

5. Bellamy Blake In “The 100

Bellamy Blake in The 100
Bellamy Blake in The 100

Blake’s death in the series was like a slap on the face for both- the main character and the fans! He died cruelly alone trying to save his loved ones. His death was barely even mourned. That’s gross.

6. Beth Greene In “The Walking Dead

Beth Greene in The Walking Dead
Beth Greene in The Walking Dead

Greene was a really important character who was turning into a badass. But she was blown out which can be called one of the stupidest deaths of the series. Her death was so ridiculous and brought nothing to the series but disappointment.

7. Lexa In “The 100


Her death only added to the list of unnecessary LGBTQ+ deaths on TV that contributed to the outrage by the community who were protesting on the same issue. In fact, Lexa’s character had so much potential.

8. Bonnie Bennette In “The Vampire Diaries

Bonnie Bennett
Bonnie Bennett

She was the most selfless character in the show. In fact, she was the one only sacrificing throughout the series.

9. Alex Karev In “Grey’s Anatomy

Alex Karev
Alex Karev

His death was unfortunate and upsetting. The whole scene could make anyone cry. How we wish his story didn’t end like this.

10. Enzo St. John In “The Vampire Diaries”

Enzo St. John
Enzo St. John

Bonnie kept sacrificing everything throughout the show. But when she finally got the love of her life “Enzo“, they killed him. His death was so stupid and nonsensical.

11. Daenerys Targaryen In “Game Of Thrones

Daenerys Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen

Her character was so strong since the beginning of the series that killing her made no sense. She deserved a way better ending.

12.  Justin Foley In “13 Reasons Why”

Justin Foley
Justin Foley

He started as a horrible person. But as the seasons went by he became a fan favorite. He always talked about surviving and enjoy life only to be killed in the season finale.

13. Poussey Washington In “Orange Is the New Black”

Poussey Washington
Poussey Washington

She deserved the great life she had planned. Her death has left a void in fan’s hearts. Her character definitely deserved a better ending.

14. Logan Echolls In “Veronica Mars

Logan Echolls
Logan Echolls

In our heads, Logan and Veronica are married and solving crimes together. We’ll never get over his death.

15. Penny In “Big Bang Theory

Penny in Big Bang Theory
Penny in Big Bang Theory

Almost for the whole story, she was adamant about not having babies. What for? To end up being pregnant in the finale with Leonard’s baby. Agreed the ending was cute and aww-worthy. But what happened to the story where she’s literally not ready to have kids? The ending could’ve been something else.

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