No matter how much we accept the truth that these TV shows are nothing but fantasy, we’ll never stop watching them. Something or the other will intrigue us to them. That’s their power. As an audience, we get emotionally involved with the show, the characters, the storyline, almost everything about it. One such thing is the couple that’s cast in the show. However, not all couples are perfect. That’s exactly what we’ll talk about today. Here’s a list of TV couples that fans rooted for initially but stopped as the show continued. Why? That’s for you to find out in the article! Check it out. Also, you can comment and let us know who’s your favorite TV couple, or was. See you there!

1. Andy And Erin From The Office

Erin and Andy in The Office TV
Erin and Andy in The Office

Both of them started well as usual. However, things started taking a u-turn for the couple. Andy didn’t use to take Erin seriously. Moreover, he left her for like 3months to go on a trip and was very toxic. That’s when the fans stopped rooting for them as a couple.

2. Connor And Oliver From How To Get Away With Murder

Coliver in How to get away with murder TV
Coliver in How to get away with murder

The couple was such a fan favorite that they nicknamed them Coliver. However, good days didn’t last well for them. Oliver sort of started to rule over Connor and the latter’s identity was fading away! Well, that’s not what a relationship should do to a person. Hence, fans stopped rooting for them.

3. Piper And Alex From Orange Is The New Black

Piper and Alex from Orange Is the New Black TV
Piper and Alex from Orange Is the New Black

Both of them were going great initially. However, later, they became toxic to each other. This made fans not like them as a couple anymore.

4. Eleven And Mike From Stranger Things

Eleven and Mike from Stranger Things TV
Eleven and Mike from Stranger Things

They looked cute in Season 1. But when they got together in Season 3, they lost their charm. Moreover, they always used to ditch their friends and were rude to Hopper.

5. Jughead And Betty From Riverdale

Jughead and Betty from Riverdale TV
Jughead and Betty from Riverdale

For good three seasons, they were adorable. However, in the fourth season fans realized how unhealthy the relationship was.

6. Donna And Eric From That ’70s Show

Donna and Eric from That '70s Show TV
Donna and Eric from That ’70s Show

It’s good to have that spark in the relationship. It is even better to have physical competency between each other. However, if the relationship is only about being physical, then it’s time to call it quits. This is exactly what happened with this couple. They were going great until their relationship was all about being physical and having no love.

7. Spike And Buffy From Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Spike and Buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Spike and Buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Well, the dialogues in the above image say a lot, but I’d like to mention one more thing- he forced himself upon her! So, it is obvious why fans would’ve stopped rooting for them.

8. Kara And Mon-El From Supergirl

Kara and Mon-El from Supergirl
Kara and Mon-El from Supergirl

They were cute when they started. However, it was soon realized that their relationship was full of lies. That’s when fans stopped rooting for this couple.

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