“Ultimate groupie”: Billionaire Oprah Winfrey Didn’t Find it Creepy Wearing Tina Turner Wig Everywhere – Including While Sleeping
Oprah Winfrey had such strong admiration for her friend Tina Turner that she imitated her style to feel close to her. Turner recently passed away on May 24, 2023, leaving her friends and family grieving. Though the artist is no more, her personality has greatly impacted her friends.
Winfrey shared a years-long friendship with Turner, and after her departure, Winfrey feels disheartened. However, she will always be alive in her heart. Previously, Winfrey shared that she had such a great fondness for the late singer that she imitated her hairstyle to stay close to her.

Oprah Winfrey’s unique way of being close to her friend Tina Turner
Swiss singer Tina Turner breathed her last at the age of 83 on May 24, 2023. During the course of her life, she inspired many people. One of them is her close friend, Oprah Winfrey. Winfrey, who is disheartened by her friend’s departure, was always inspired by her late friend. The two shared a great bond, and Turner highly impacted Winfrey’s life.

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Previously, Winfrey shared that Turner’s personality influenced her to the extent that she opted to adapt a part of her appearance into her life. Turner’s funky hairstyle has surely inspired many, but Winfrey’s idea of inspiration is indeed unique. The 69-year-old host revealed,
“I had a wig made so that I could be a part and close to Tina in wigdom”.
Her obsession with her late friend was so great that she rarely detached the wig from her head. She admitted,
“I wouldn’t take the wig off. I did it for the show, I did it for the next show, I think we did five or six shows around the country.”
What’s even more surprising is that Winfrey wore it even during bedtime.
How did Oprah Winfrey get rid of her obsession?

Oprah Winfrey’s obsession with Tina Turner heightened to the extent that it started bothering her dear ones. Winfrey, who certainly went blind fangirling over Tuner, was brought back to reality by her long-time partner, Stedman Graham. Winfrey recalled that Graham confronted her and said,
“I don’t know when somebody’s gonna tell you that you are not Tina Turner. I think you think you’re Tina Turner and you should really be happy being Oprah Winfrey.”
Winfrey engrossed herself so much in her friend’s personality that she forgot herself. During that time, her partner became her savior and pulled her out of her obsession. However, her fondness for wigs persists. Winfrey claimed,
“Truth of the matter is I still like my Tina wig. If I had right now I’d put it on. I don’t feel like it was such a terrible thing. Could I have a little happiness here?”
Before becoming friends with Tina Turner, Winfrey was her biggest fan, and she always looked forward to her as a role model.
Read: People