Breaking Bad enthusiasts might remember how thrilling the series was and the impact that it had on them. The creator of the series himself revealed that there were significant challenges while working on an episode of the series.

Breaking Bad Series
Breaking Bad

The creator of the successful Breaking Bad series Vince Gilligan revealed that the creative team faced notable challenges while filming an episode that might have impacted the viewers as well. The series not only earned widespread recognition but is also a recipient of various accolades.

Vince Gilligan Revealed That One Breaking Bad Episode That Strained Their Brains

Breaking Bad Creator
Vince Gilligan

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Breaking Bad was undeniably a hit series, from its characters to the thrilling storyline it was highly acclaimed. The creator of the series Vince Gilligan sat with Variety in an interview in which he opened up about his thoughts and other aspects of the series.

Gilligan was asked numerous questions and one was about how he felt about the show’s finale which aired 10 years ago. The creator revealed that there were challenges during the creation process, but despite the problems, he’s proud of it. Vince Gilligan told Variety that:

“I’m very proud of it, and I have to stress that it was a group effort. I had wonderful writers and we strained our brains mightily to tie everything together. I think the one thing we got wrong was Aaron Paul’s teeth. They’re too damn perfect! For a guy who got beaten up as much as he did and smoked that much meth, his teeth would not look so beautiful. We probably did the country a disservice, but having said that, Aaron’s easy on the eyes so that was just as well for folks watching.”

The creator humorously mentioned a small detail that he thinks might have gone wrong: Aaron Paul‘s teeth. Paul played Jesse Pinkman in the show who has very nice teeth that might have looked unrealistic because the character went through various hardships including drug abuse that destroys human teeth badly.

The Creator of Breaking Bad Prefers Leaving The Franchise

Breaking Bad Series
Breaking Bad

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In the same interview, Vince Gilligan expressed his thoughts about his hit series that the creator is proud of. He mentioned every aspect that helped the cast and storyline move toward success and acknowledged the work of Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, and all the other cast members for their incredible contributions.

The create was asked if he was interested in making some more thrilling content on Breaking Bad, and if there’s a chance for a new project to hit in the future, responding to them Gilligan said to Variety:

I’d rather err on the side of leaving the party too soon than too late. But never say never. That’s just how I feel right now, but who knows down the line.”

While Vince Gilligan expressed pride in his work on Breaking Bad, he’s cautious about reconsidering the franchise. He prefers to leave it the way and doesn’t rule out the possibility of returning to it in the future. Breaking Bad generated a dedicated fanbase and has had a significant cultural impact.

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Source: Variety



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