Watchmen’s Big Dr Manhattan Reveal Changes Everything We Thought We Knew
A series of mysteries HBO’s Watchmen is complete. So far in the show, there have been many mysteries to unravel who is Will Reeves precisely, where is Adrian Veidt and to what is Lady Trieu, some of the concerns have come closer to being resolved. There’s a mystery which viewers have been trying to solve from the beginning. Whereas the problem is that of who murdered by the police chief Judd Crawford (Don Johnson) Soon the question answered and all we knew about Watchmen changed.

The Answer
Doctor Manhattan, where is it? The answer looked quite direct and obvious when Watchmen debuted. After he left the Earth, Doctor Manhattan was on Mars to the end of the comic series Watchmen. There’s plenty to do with the news of “Doctor Manhattan on Mars”, and even there are telephone booths throughout the early episodes of the TV show that allow guests to send messages to the godly blue man in the faraway world. At the same time, though, some question about the role of Doctor Manhattan is sewn by Will Reeves (Louis Gossett Jr) particularly in the show. During the custody in Angela Abar / Sister Night (Regina King), he suggested that Dr Manhattan could become a normal human being and exist among them. It’s something that dismissed because it’s not part of his control.

And still, we are here, and that’s what’s happening, it would appear. Lady Trieu (Hong Chau) in this episode today reveals to Angela that Dr Manhattan masked right there in Tulsa as a human being. It also shows that the 7th Cavalry is arranging for Dr Manhattan discovered and killed and “becomes” him. Angela leaves Trieu when told, but does not ask who or where is Dr Manhattan in Tulsa, and it turns out she does not need to. It is not necessary. Angela understands that, already.
Doctor Manhattan is her husband, Cal.

Perhaps one of the most surprising revelations of the show up to now. Angela goes home, gets back an axe, and advises a struggling Cal that he must “go out of the cave” (Yahya Abdul-Mateen II) . He has admitted that Cal never had an incident that caused him to lose his memory. He deliberately forgot to be together with Angela. It named him “Jon” and then struck him, finally extracting from Cal’s face a physical version of the atom sign of Doctor Manhattan. Blue light is shown in Angela’s eyes as she greets him with a loving “hey baby” and lets him know they’re in severe trouble.
The Reveal
Interestingly, while this revelation will shock many audiences, it demonstrates correct a dominant Cal fan theory. In Reddit’s case, in particular, the “proof of Cal’s becoming Doctor Manhattan a few weeks earlier has broken down. While we do not know precisely how Dr Manhattan has become a man named Cal Abar, we do know that God is undoubtedly not residing on Mars.
Source- comicbook, vox