The Justice League Snyder Cut will finally see the light of day suggests a new report.

Recently Heroic Hollywood revealed that Zack Snyder held a private screening of the so-called Snyder cut of the film. The version which was made by Zack Snyder of Justice League is known as Snyder Cut.

Something is Happening

The Justice League

Some executives from Warner Bros attended the screening. It took place in early 2020. The report went on to suggest that “something is happening” related to the Snyder Cut.

It is not clear if the film releases in the form of the digital release, fan screening, or home media release. But the report did put a firm notation on its theatrical release.

It suggested that Warner Bros are not interested in re-releasing the film, because it’s previous version met with harsh reviews by both the critics as well as the public.

Fan Campaigns

zack snyder justifce league set photo

The news came as a relief to fans who campaigned from 2017, for release of Snyder Cut.

As a result, it has always been a matter of hot discussion whether the Snyder Cut exists in any shape or form. Also, some reports suggest that the Snyder Cut is just a hoax, and nothing of such sort exists.

But Snyder has always put these reports as false, saying that his Director’s Cut does exist. “The film is not completed yet to 100%. Still, some stuff I want is remaining” Snyder said on VERO.

Pipe Dream

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Variety gave a broad report on DC films at Warner Studios. They suggested that any hopes of watching Snyder version is useless and is a pipe dream. Some sources also mentioned that Snyder’s Cut is not even in a watchable state. Snyder on VERO comments “he is tired of proving his work and worth to the people”. 

Some fans speculated that the Snyder’s Cut would be released on the HBO Max streaming platform.

Nevertheless, a report from November has put those speculations at rest. “That’s a pipe dream. No way it is happening”, the information suggested.

It will cost the studio millions of dollars to edit the Snyder’s Cut and add CGI to it. Warner Bros is not ready yet to invest such massive amounts in an already disaster outcome of a movie.

According to Warner Bros, the DC film franchise has already moved forward from the loss of the Justice League. Their other investments in projects like Joker, Shazam!, Aquaman, and Wonder Woman were more fruitful than the “commercial disaster” of the Justice League. 

Sources: ComicBook, HeroicHollywood

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