Ryan Gosling is one of the most acclaimed actors in Hollywood, thanks to his roles in big studio movies like 2016’s La La Land and last year’s Barbie, which was a part of the ‘Barbenheimer’ cultural phenomenon. Whether it is struggling Jazz pianist Sebastian Wilder or the beach version of the doll Ken, he has enthralled the audiences with each of his performances.

Ryan Gosling in Blade Runner 2049 | Source: Warner Bros. Pictures

Having started his career as a child actor, Gosling has been in the entertainment industry for decades. He has appeared in numerous movies over the years and one of them is 2012’s The Place Beyond the Pines. It was during the filming of this $47 million movie that he met the love of his life, Eva Mendes. In an interview, he recounted how he came to this realization.

Ryan Gosling on How He Realized That He Wanted to Spend the Rest of His Life with Eva Mendes

Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling
Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling in A Place Beyond the Pines | Source: Focus Features

In 2010, Ryan Gosling worked with Michelle Williams in Derek Cianfrance’s directorial Blue Valentine, which was praised by critics and audiences, and even received nominations for many accolades. Two years later, he reunited with Cianfrance to work on the generational epic crime drama The Place Beyond the Pines, in which Eva Mendes played his character’s love interest.

Sparks flew during the filming of the movie and the on-screen chemistry between Mendes and Gosling translated into real life. However, they both have been notoriously quiet about their relationship since the beginning. The occasional insights they give into their relationships are all that fans have to rely on to know how in love they have been with each other all these years.

In an interview with GQ, at the risk of misrepresenting their relationship, Gosling decided to let the world know about how he realized that The Other Guys actress was the one for him.

There were moments on The Place Beyond the Pines where we were pretending to be a family, and I didn’t really want it to be pretend anymore. I realized that this would be a life I would be really lucky to have.

The movie was released to positive reviews and grossed $47 million against a budget of $15 million (via The Numbers). The movie landed in the top 10 lists of numerous critics for that year but did not manage to become a blockbuster. However, it resulted in a real-life romance for the books. Gosling told the outlet that after meeting Mendes, he did not want to have kids with anyone except her. Luckily, the couple is parents to two little girls.

Ryan Gosling Was Inexperienced in This One Regard

Ryan Gosling as Ken
Ryan Gosling as Ken in Barbie | Source: Warner Bros. Pictures

Gosling might have gained worldwide recognition through his studio blockbusters, but for most of his career, he has starred in independent films. The irony of this situation is that he grew up watching blockbusters as he did not have access to independent films.

Look, the irony is that the movies that I’ve made so many of, I didn’t grow up watching independent films. We didn’t have an art house theater. I didn’t know anything about the kinds of films that I was in, you know? I didn’t have any real frame of reference. All I had was, like, my Blockbuster knowledge.

The Blade Runner 2049 star further said that although he felt lucky to have made the movies he has made, he was also grateful for this phase in which he is getting to make the kind of movies he grew up watching.

The Place Beyond the Pines is available for renting and buying on Apple TV.

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