After Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle was attacked on stage while performing at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles. Chappelle was performing as one of the festival’s main performers when the incident occurred earlier this month. The Los Angeles Police Department verified the incident, telling NBC Los Angeles that the man was armed with a replica gun that could release a real knife blade if shot correctly. It is unknown if he attempted to use the weapon.

Dave Chappelle
Dave Chappelle

Isaiah Lee, 23, has subsequently been identified as the assailant. Lee claimed in a new interview with the New York Post that he attacked Chappelle because his jokes “triggered” him, particularly his work concerning the LGTBTQ+ community. Lee also expressed his hope that Chappelle will learn a lesson from the attack.

Dave Chappelle must learn a lesson

Isaiah Lee attacked Dave Chappelle
Isaiah Lee attacked Dave Chappelle

Lee went to the event with the intention of having a “good time,” but things took a turn when Chappelle’s humor made a pass at his previous conflicts with the LGBTQ+ community. He claims he was offended by comments about homelessness since he had previously been homeless, but the joke that allegedly prompted him to rush the stage was a “crude” joke about child abuse.

Lee, speaking from the Twin Towers Correctional Facility in Los Angeles, stated, “I identify as bisexual… and I wanted him to know what he said was triggering. I wanted him to know that next time, he should consider first running his material by people it could affect.”

Based on images of Lee’s wounded face that went viral immediately after the incident, it looked like security had roughed him up. They spit on him and twisted him “as if on purpose,” fracturing his arm and causing him black eyes, according to Lee. Nonetheless, according to the Post reports, Lee does not regret what occurred since he viewed it as an opportunity to “speak out” against disrespectful comedians.

“I told him my mother and grandmother, who fought for his civil rights to be able to speak, would be upset at the things he said,” Lee alleges he told Chappelle backstage as he was being carried away. Chappelle is reported to have answered, “Now your story will die with you, son.”

Source – New York Post 

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