Marvel’s ‘What If…? has been coming up with crazy episodes telling us stories of alternate endings and possibilities that could have taken place. If happened, would’ve changed the entire fate of the particular character/storyline. We must admit that these episodes are entertaining. In Episode 7, ‘What If…Thor were an only child?‘ we have a shocking fight that may prove Captain Marvel is powerful than the DCEU’s Superman. Let’s break down why and how!

Superman and Captain Marvel
Superman and Captain Marvel

What If Proves Captain Marvel Is Powerful Than DCEU’s Superman

DCEU’s Superman played by Henry Cavill is said to be its strongest character. In ‘The Man of Steel’, he showed many Kryptonians their place. However, he was killed by Doomsday but later resurrected. Marvel’s ‘What If…?’ proves Kal-el isn’t as powerful as Captain Marvel. But that doesn’t mean Superman is not strong. He has beaten the Justice League, brought down cities, and outdid Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Flash!

Henry Cavill as Superman
Henry Cavill as Superman

Getting back to Carol a.k.a Captain Marvel. She is shown to be less powerful than Thor she was smacked down by him. She was sort of defeated by immature party-goer Thor when he placed his hammer on her. We thought she’s overrated. But no. She is powered by the Tesseract. She warns Maria Hill and Co. the reason she doesn’t unleash her real powers is that it might harm the planet. This is clearly shown in Captain Marvel when she flew at the speed of light through the Kree armada like a missile. She’s a planet destroyer.

Captain Marvel fighting Thor
Captain Marvel fighting Thor

She ate Thanos‘ best shots in Avengers: Endgame. Carol cannot afford to lose control as it might result in countless casualties. She prefers fighting in isolated areas so that there’s less damage. Therefore, Thanos is lucky she didn’t fight him in an isolated area. Or else he would’ve had it from her! To conclude, Carol a.k.a Captain Marvel is very strong. Her hits have the power of an exploding sun! Superman has hefty punches, speed, and heat vision. But Carol has these too. So, it’ll be fun watching them against each other.

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