New Avengers: Endgame TV Spot Released

Thanks to a new Avengers: Endgame spot released amid Super Bowl LIII yesterday, we got 30 seconds of all-new footage from the upcoming blockbuster. While uncovering our first look at Rocket Raccoon in Endgame, the ad additionally demonstrated a couple glances of Thor (Chris Hemsworth).

Both of the heroes can be seen with the collected Avengers shot toward the end, but what about the bits of the characters prior in the spot? Rocket initially shows up when he opens the way to a shack-like cabin on the shores of an island.

Rocket in Avengers: Endgame
Where is Rocket in Avengers: Endgame?

Thor gives off an impression of standing in the opening on a cave, with an alien-like structure.

Thor in Avengers: Endgame New TV Spot Ad
Thor in Avengers: Endgame New TV Spot Ad

Is It Wakanda Or Norway?

So the question stands — where are they? By the end of Avengers: Infinity War the two were friends, so it makes sense that the two will pursue each other in Avengers: Endgame.

All things considered, are they are in Wakanda? The cave-like structure Thor is standing appears to have some quite advanced design for the United States or North America. If not Wakanda, the shot with Thor could be an alien planet as Thor and friends try finding Thanos.

Out of the blue, it appears Rocket, then again, seems, appears to be on a north Atlantic island. After the events of Infinity War, Thor could have gathered together the remaining Asgardians and drove them to shape New Asgard in Norway or a nation of they like.

Rocket touches base at a cabin that Thor’s in, subsequently the rough waters seen at the back. It ought to be noticed that the scene that Rocket shows up in appears as though it has comparative tones to the shot of Odin (Anthony Hopkins) kicking the bucket in Thor: Ragnarok.

Source:, Movie Web

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