Who’s A Better Justice League Leader: Superman Or Wonder Woman?
Since the beginning of the DC Universe, Wonder Woman and Superman have been two of their most powerful heroes. The two possess an array of superpowers that extend far beyond that of their teammates. But Wonder Woman does come close to matching the Man Of Steel. It’s no wonder so many fans wish to see them fight each other. But this desire has never been realized until now.
Furthermore, while the Justice League is traditionally seen as being led by Superman, Wonder Woman is truly a better leader. And he has no problem deferring to her leadership skills when it comes down to them dealing with alien threats as well as certain situations that may arise in their local community for example. In the last edition of 100-page Super Spectacular #1 – which is celebrating Wonder Woman’s 80th anniversary – we are reminded why she became one of the founding members of the Justice League in the first place. One story, in particular, gives us a hint at how even Superman knows his place. The Man of Steel apparently places his trust in Diana’s leadership capabilities when it comes down to Earth’s Mightiest Heroes on issues such as if the US government loses faith in its superhero team.
Wonder Woman Has Godly Wisdom That Others Lack
Each hero of the DC Comics’ Justice League is an excellent, reliable, and exceptional individual. But when it comes down to taking charge, a few of them are naturally more proficient than others at handling emergencies. DC´s Trinity – Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman- are the three most prominent members of this superhero task force. While the might of Superman is often unrivaled in strength and prowess, Batman is a natural tactician who understands the strengths and weaknesses of his allies against threats from his enemies. But Wonder Woman gained wisdom through her encounters with gods that no other team member can pass up.
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Wonder Woman 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1: Dear Diana
In honor of Wonder Woman’s 80th anniversary, DC Comics has released a special 100-page Super Spectacular #1 original graphic novel. The issue is titled “Dear Diana” and it reprints a story written by Mark Waid. Among the creative team is José Luis García López. He also illustrated another classic tale with “The Coming of the Sorceress”. Flush with DC history and wrapped in a beautiful full-color graphic novel package, whether you’re new to comics or an aficionado, there’s something inside for everyone.
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“Wonder Woman Was Gifted By Athena” – Superman
Superman suggests that Wonder Woman would make a better leader. He argues that she is intelligent and wise. The Man of Steel states that Diana Prince is gifted by Athena and we should respect the wisdom of God. This statement probably makes a lot of sense. This is perhaps because the wisdom granted to those by Zeus’s wife would be something one could definitely use while in battle, especially given her history and vast experience in this area.
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Wonder Woman is an excellent leader in general. And she often goes overlooked with all of the hype surrounding superheroes like Superman. While many fans might agree that Man of Steel (Superman) is the right choice for leadership, Superman knows he’s not the best to hold that position because Wonder Woman can lead more powerfully than him.
These two characters share quite a few main traits alike. However, Wonder Woman holds way more experience when it comes to warfare as opposed to Superman who fights for justice not war strategies so she can lead properly by drawing on wartime strategies he was never given. If there was ever someone you’d want leading your Justice League team into battle, it would be the Amazonian Princess after all considering no one else would give it their all like she does.