Why Did Captain America Keep Bucky’s Murder of Howard Stark A Secret?
The Marvel Cinematic Universe contains some of the most well-written characters we could ever expect in a superhero film. The motivations and thoughts that these people have reflects a significant impact on how the different films could turn out. Often, these options allow us to see what a character does and how it makes sense if it makes any sense at all. The screenplay that goes into these films has to be good enough to justify the success that each film enjoys with both fans and critics. However, some of the characters are frequently forced to do things that put us in a position to evaluate them. Judging them may be critical since these moments simply serve to highlight the fact that they are more than just a superhero narrative for a youngster. Let’s take a look at why Captain America kept Bucky’s murder of Howard and Maria Stark from Tony in Captain America: Civil War.
Captain America: Civil War

Captain America: Civil War is a pivotal film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It had some of the most pivotal moments in the MCU’s Phase 3. We got to watch two of our most significant heroes fight toe-to-toe owing to their opposing viewpoints. According to the storyline, Captain America and Iron Man clash over the Sokovia Accords. At the same time, Bucky Barnes emerges, and the two heroes have opposing intentions for the Winter Soldier’s fate.

Baron Zemo carries out his devious schemes and makes matters worse by forcing them to battle one other. When Tony Stark finds how Bucky was framed for the attack at the UN hearing, his preparations almost backfire. The fight is almost ended when Zemo pulls out his final matchstick and strikes the flames between the two figures. He discloses one more piece of knowledge that was critical to the way the MCU navigated, as well as a very important element of Iron Man’s past.

Baron Zemo carries out his devious schemes and makes matters worse by forcing them to battle one other. When Tony Stark finds how Bucky was framed for the attack at the UN hearing, his preparations almost backfire. The fight is almost ended when Zemo pulls out his final matchstick and strikes the flames between the two figures. He discloses one more piece of knowledge that was critical to the way the MCU navigated, as well as a very important element of Iron Man’s past. Zemo displays the film of Iron Man’s parents’ deaths. The film plainly demonstrates how the Winter Soldier was responsible for Howard and Maria Stark’s assassination on December 16, 1991. Tony wasn’t aware of the news, so he asks Cap whether he was. Steve admits that he was aware of this truth earlier because it was hinted at in Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
Why Did Captain America Hide That Bucky killed Howard Stark?

This begs the question of why Captain America, who has long been close with Iron Man, did not share this vital knowledge with the latter. There’s a chance he did it to protect both of them. After all, Steve knew Bucky far better and was well aware that Bucky was not in control of his actions at the time. Bucky was having a tough time letting go of his past, and it was only growing harder as time passed to work on his self-control. Cap was clearly attempting to assist Bucky by not bringing up this knowledge from the past so that the latter would not have to go through the painful process again.

But this explanation isn’t very convincing when it comes to the fact that he didn’t tell Tony about it. There’s a chance he considered Stark’s emotional breakdown if he found out what had happened to his parents. We witnessed how out of control Stark became when he discovered the facts. If Steve had the opportunity to meet with Stark and relay this knowledge, we could have witnessed a different reaction from Stark. Steve could have plainly explained how this was mostly Hydra’s fault and Bucky was not to blame. This would have had a significant influence on how things turned out between the two and how their friendship fared.

We do understand why Steve might have not told Tony about these but it’s rather unclear why Marvel actually never clearly explored the reasoning behind this. We never got a chance to see Bucky and Tony actually clear their differences. It would have been rather great to see Bucky able to get rid of Stark’s name in the list of people he was trying to make amends with.
Thus, this is the reason why Captain America kept Bucky’s murder of Howard Stark a secret. Well, to be honest, when it was revealed that Bucky was the one who killed Tony’s parents, the scene literally gave each one of us goosebumbs. Well, if Cap really knew that Bucky was the one who killed Howard Stark, then it really is an amazing plotline and the writers really did some mind-blowing work. So did you enjoy our theory? Do let us know in the comments down below. Till then we will see you lads in the next article, but don’t forget to keep on reading Animated Times, your one-stop destination for getting a closer look into the entertainment industry, upcoming movies and TV series, celebrity gossip, and much more. We have got you all covered. Continue reading Animated Times, guys, for more.