Following the immense popularity of The Big Bang Theory, one of its spin-offs was launched; Young Sheldon. Acknowledging this connection, many fans considered it nothing more than a desperate move towards gaining ratings and that the only reason they made this spin-off was simply that they knew the original show couldn’t possibly get any more popular. Eventually, members of The Big Bang Theory fandom turned their negative comments toward Young Sheldon which led to a disagreement between both audiences. However, Young Sheldon is way funnier than The Big Bang Theory.

Related: Sheldon’s Big Bang Theory Money Plot Hole Explained by Young Sheldon


Sheldon Show Is Better Than The Big Bang Theory Show

For many people, Sheldon is more interesting and likable than his grown-up counterpart. Viewers believe such a selfish character can’t be as horrible in any other universe so they find it highly unlikely that the character growth process for Sheldon will be able to match the Big Bang Theory. The critics of the show have also praised Young Sheldon for being a realistic depiction of how a child grows up in that particular family.

Related: The Big Bang Theory Is Getting Ruined By Young Sheldon Intentionally


The Young Sheldon Is Really Funny

While it is not surprising that a show which doesn’t look quite like its sequel can be considered less amusing, Young Sheldon was found appropriate by numerous fans to get the roles of a comedy series. With that being said, while there may be times when The Big Bang Theory can get on your nerves due to its dull predictable humor and slow pacing, Sheldon manages to strike a natural balance between comedy and “normalness”, without creating unnecessary drama. With its amazingly talented cast, and solid writing it has now become what many consider to be the replacement for the old show.

Related: Big Bang Theory Mystery Could Be Solved In Season 5 of Young Sheldon


Young Sheldon is no shock to be put first when it comes to things, but still, its priority is on building up Sheldon’s development as a character. After all, that is what draws viewers in. But the series consistently has people laughing even at serious situations and this without sacrificing anything else. Audiences may feel they are not laughing out loud while watching Sheldon due to no laugh track prompting them to recognize jokes, but the series is nevertheless a funnier experience than Big Bang Theory.

EXTRA: Some Interesting Phobias That Sheldon Cooper Has In The Big Bang Theory

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