Avengers: Endgame saw Robert Downey Jr. signing off from the MCU as Tony Stark. Fans haven’t been able to get over this loss yet. They have been in mourning over the loss of the beloved character as much as the actor who gave meaning to the role.

Robert Downey Jr. to be seen in Black Widow cameo

Robert Downey Jr. to be seen in Black Widow cameo
Robert Downey Jr. to be seen in Black Widow cameo

The actor might have a cameo role in the Black Widow movie, as the movie is set after the events of Captain America: Civil War. Many fans are happy to see the two characters – the ones they had thought they lost forever- for another outing. Some, however, feel that this would lessen the effect that Avengers: Endgame had, and that this is cheating. For the fans who do want to see Downey back, it may be saddening to know that the cameo may only consist of deleted scenes from earlier movies. But the good news is that it is previously unseen footage. So Tony Stark, once again, one last time!

Fan theory on how Tony Stark might return to MCU

Avengers Endgame
Avengers Endgame

Some fans do not want to come to terms with their favorite character being completely out of the scene. They have read more into the ending of Avengers: Endgame to come up with theories that suggest Tony Stark may be back but in a different avatar. According to one detailed theory, the hologram seen with Morgan and Pepper at the end, may not be a hologram but maybe A.I. of Tony Stark created by the genius himself. This theory does have some weight to it, as a similar concept was introduced in 2015 in the comics. The fan supports this theory with the story in the comics and the evidence in the hologram scene. The hologram walked towards and made eye contact with Morgan in the movie scene. However, this is not practically possible as a hologram cannot really know the location from where it will be projected and make the right movements. This leads to the conclusion that the hologram is not a hologram at all!

What do you think of this possibility? Do you wish to see Downey resuming his duties albeit in a different avatar? Let us know in the comments below!

Have you watched Avengers: Endgame yet? The trailer is available here. The movie is now available on Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital HD.

Sources: ComicBook, Esquire


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