In the DC Extended Universe (DCEU), Xolo Maridueña, who is best known for playing Miguel Diaz in the hit show Cobra Kai, will play Jaime Reyes, also known as Blue Beetle. Maridueña will take on the role of Blue Beetle, a beloved DC Comics character, and start out on a brand-new journey. On August 18, the movie Blue Beetle is scheduled to be released in theaters.

Maridueña has received recognition for his performance as a timid, bullied teen who develops into an admirable fighter in Cobra Kai. He is also well-known for his role in the show Parenthood. But how much money did the young actor earn from having his name associated with these famous franchises?

Xolo Maridueña
Xolo Maridueña

How much money did Xolo Maridueña make thanks to his roles in such famous franchises?

Xolo Maridueña has a net worth of $3 million. He is best known for playing Miguel Diaz in the popular Netflix series Cobra Kai which is a sequel to the movie The Karate Kid. Since he was little, the 22-year-old actor has worked in the entertainment industry, making appearances in television series. However, his performance in Cobra Kai boosted his career and contributed to his net worth.

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Xolo Maridueña in Cobra Kai
Xolo Maridueña in Cobra Kai

According to reports, Maridueña received $70,000 per episode of Cobra Kai. There have been five seasons of the show, each with ten episodes. Maridueña has made around $3.5 million from the show alone, before taxes and agent commissions.

He will become more well-known and wealthy thanks to his role as Blue Beetle in the upcoming film of the same name, which is going to hit the theatres soon. Being a member of the DCU should pay off financially.

What should be expected from the upcoming film Blue Beetle?

The upcoming movie Blue Beetle, which features Jaime Reyes as the newest hero who takes on the identity of Blue Beetle, will further expand the reach of the DC Extended Universe. Teenage boy Reyes discovers a weird alien beetle that attaches to his spine and gives him superpowers. Reyes transforms into a superhero in El Paso, Texas, using his newfound powers to battle criminals.

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Blue Beetle
Blue Beetle

Along with Bruna Marquezine, Belissa Escobedo, George Lopez, Adriana Barraza, Elpidia Carrillo, Damián Alcázar, Raoul Trujillo, Harvey Guillén, and Susan Sarandon, Xolo Maridueña plays Jaime Reyes in the movie. Victoria Kord, a newly developed character for the movie who is thought to be the villain, is played by Sarandon.

Jaime Reyes will be brought to life on the big screen, much to the delight of fans of the DC Comics character. The movie is anticipated to be a coming-of-age tale about a young superhero who learns how to harness his superpowers for the good of society. The first movie in the DC Extended Universe to have a Latino lead character is Blue Beetle. The movie is anticipated to be a hit, and it might open the door for further diversity in the DCEU.

Read More: Ted Lasso Star Rumored To Play Major Justice League Member in Upcoming Blue Beetle Movie

Source: Caknowledge

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