One of the rarest kinds of A-list relationships in Hollywood is that of Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling. Despite having been together for almost a decade, the two choose to keep their relationship private. They worked together and acted as a couple with an infant in The Place Beyond the Pines in 2011 and since then the two have been associated. Shortly after filming was finished, the duo was caught getting intimate at Disneyland and exchanging a passionate kiss in Paris, showing that their on-screen romance had carried over to their daily lives. The couple has two daughters and tries their best to maintain a private life. Although the pair has recently grown more candid about their relationship, they are still hesitant to provide too much information about their family life. In an interview, Eva Mendes reveals about her life at home with her kids.

Eva Mendes finds home in the family

Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling
Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling

The actress and businesswoman, Eva Mendes who is married to actor Ryan Gosling, told that her husband and kids now stand in for her home after a decades-long career that has frequently brought her across the globe. “my man and my kids, wherever they are, that’s just what it is,” She told referring to home is where the heart is at a brunch celebrating her most recent collaboration with Skura Style hosted at Ardor at The West Hollywood EDITION. She has been concentrating on her family, her fashion lines with New York & Company, and establishing her ever-expanding enterprise in recent years. The actress revealed that she would only return to the screen for a “nice and clean” family-friendly project.

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The actress likes to have cleanliness

Eva Mendes
Eva Mendes

Eva Mendes told more about her time at home and how she likes to keep things clean and have a mess free environment to The actress collaborated with Macy’s fifteen years ago on a bedding collecting, and “I designed plates that I still use today,” she continued as she told about her liking for making a home look aesthetically beautiful. But she also noted that, “they were short-lived” due to the obligations of her acting career. “But I’ve always loved anything having to do with the home and making it more beautiful and more clean.” she said as she revealed her liking for a clean and tidy home.

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She shares her plight of having two kids

Eva Mendes
Eva Mendes

The actress told that it is quite challenging to maintain a clean home with two young children but that she has learned to enjoy the chaos. “My house is not always clean. I open my closet and it’s messy and it’s okay! I have two children so it’s impossible. Having kids, you have to be okay with a mess. But the point is when my house is clean, I feel better. My mental wellness is literally connected to how clean my house is. I just don’t like dirty — there’s a difference for me.” According to the interview, Eva Mendes’ mental health is very much connected to the cleanliness of her surroundings and sometimes it does take a blow from having a messy house because of the children.

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Source: People

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