After parting ways with Warner Bros in the aftermath of his Justice League exit, Zack Snyder has reclaimed the rights to a former project in development at the studio, his sequel to 300. Tentatively titled Blood and Ashes, Snyder’s next chapter would have focused on Alexander the Great’s relationship with Hephaestion.

What Was Blood and Ashes Originally Envisioned As?

Zack Snyder via THR
Zack Snyder via THR

As per The Hollywood Reporter, though WB passed on the film, Zack Snyder considers the “incredibly homoerotic, super violent” war epic perfectly suited for today’s landscape. He and producer Deborah Snyder now have the freedom to shop Blood and Ashes elsewhere.

Snyder first conceived the project as a continuation of his hyper-stylistic 300 saga. But it ultimately centered on the intimate love story between two ancient war heroes, Alexander and Hephaestion. The concept evolved while Snyder shot Army of the Dead for Netflix.

300 movie
300 movie

“It was a gay love story that was also an ancient Greek war epic,” Snyder said. 

Though executive Courtenay Valenti championed the pitch, WB felt it too risky for franchise expansion and let the rights revert to Snyder.

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Which Controversial Zack Snyder Project Failed To Get Made?

300 movie
300 movie

Along with Blood and Ashes, Snyder briefly held the rights to Howard Chaykin’s taboo 1980s comic Black Kiss. He wrote a TV pilot adaptation that embraced the source material’s erotic, violent themes. However, 

Snyder shared that “no one wanted to make it. It was too weird.”

While Blood and Ashes may find a home due to recent mainstream LGBTQ+ representation, Black Kiss perhaps proved too big of a swing in the current climate. 

“We really went for it too,” Snyder conceded.

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Even without Black Kiss moving forward, the director has several upcoming projects that encapsulate his stylistic sensibilities. His fantasy epic Rebel Moon hits Netflix on December 22nd, with two sequels already in development.

Snyder also continues expanding his Army of the Dead universe for the streamer. And though his DC films like Batman v Superman remain shelved at WB, Snyder didn’t rule out the possibility of the projects one-day landing on Netflix. For now, he brings his signature mythology-driven vision to new original stories.

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