Zack Snyder is one of the great creatives of Hollywood. He has seen immense success in translating the imagination on the big screen. After his departure from DC, the director has ventured into creating newer projects. The space epic Rebel Moon: Part One – A Child of Fire is one such project. The anticipation for this film has been high since getting it off the ground was not an easy feat. But now that the release date is just around the corner, fans are excited for the film. During interviews, The director provided some making-of insight into the film.

Rebel Moon Visuals Inspired by a 1981 Animated Movie

Rebel Moon official poster
Rebel Moon’s official poster

Rebel Moon was initially supposed to be released as a Star Wars movie. Snyder wanted to create something with a more mature take on the Star Wars films. But that did not end up happening. It was instead picked up by Eric Newman, along with Snyder served as co-creator to develop the story first as a TV series and now as a movie.

Read More: “Nobody Wanted It”: Rebel Moon Director Zack Snyder Explains Why He Loves Director’s Cuts Ever Since Justice League

A still from Rebel Moon trailer
A still from the Rebel Moon trailer

Even as the story takes inspiration from good old Star Wars, the visual effects of the film heavily draw inspiration from a cult-classic adult-animated movie titled Heavy Metal. This movie in itself is originally based on comic books from the late 70s. The film is a long favorite of Snyder’s and it aligns with the filmmaker’s vision for Rebel Moon. As he said in a conversation with /Film:

“It’s sci-fi fantasy, for sure. I always say it’s sort of Heavy Metal sci-fi in a lot of ways. You know me, you know I’m a huge fan of that illustrated fantasy magazine. And I just like the idea that this movie would exist more in that — there’s a weirdness, a little bit, to the sci-fi, a sci-fi weirdness that I love, where everything’s not that straightforward and it’s a million mysteries. A lot of questions.”

Still from Heavy Metal
A still from Heavy Metal

Palpable intrigue is an important element of any Zack Snyder film and he does it well. Sounds like his fans are in for a treat.

Read More: Zack Snyder Reveals Rebel Moon Won’t Repeat a Star Wars Blunder

Rebel Moon is a Highly Ambitious Project

Zack Snyder
Zack Snyder

Rebel Moon: Part One – A Child of Fire. The plot of the film involves an oppressive government and a repenting hero, who fights back. But this all is happening in a galaxy far away. The Star Wars element is clearly there. The phrasing of the film title tells that this is not a one-off story. There will be a sequel to this.  Rebel Moon: Part Two – The Scargiver is in the works.

Snyder has high aspirations for this film. He has said:

 “My hope is that this also becomes a massive IP and a universe that can be built out.”

The movie draws inspiration from various sources, it can be a beautiful mosaic or a rotten work of art, only time will tell.

Rebel Moon: Part One – A Child of Fire is scheduled to be released on Netflix, on December 22, 2023.

Read More: “I thought they were very particular”: Zack Snyder Agrees With Wife for Star Wars Rejecting His Pitch, Disses $51B Franchise Spectacularly Instead

Source: /Film

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