Avril Lavigne is a Canadian pop singer who gained massive popularity with her initial releases back in 2002. She was one of the first singers to popularise female-driven pop-punk songs that focused on female rage and empowerment.

The now 39-year-old singer likes to keep her life private as her experience with the paparazzi and the growing media attention was not the best. The wildest conspiracy theories surrounded the singer when she was just learning how to be a public figure.

Avril Lavigne’s Body Double Conspiracy

Avril Lavigne in Head Above Water
Avril Lavigne in Head Above Water | BMG

Back in 2011, a wild conspiracy made the rounds on the internet that claimed singer Avril Lavigne died in 2003 and her agency hired a body double to take her place. Conspiracy theory aficionados started scouring the internet for proof and subtle hints that pointed toward this theory. It all started when fans started noticing minor changes in Lavigne’s appearance and personality.

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The tipping point came when Lavigne appeared in a photo shoot with the name Melissa written on her hand. This is because fans speculated that the woman who replaced Lavigne was named Melissa Vandella, who was supposedly taught how to sing and behave like the pop singer. People believed that Lavigne took her own life because she could not cope with the increasing media attention as photographers followed her wherever she went.

Lavigne was at the peak of her career in the 2000s and toured many countries to perform live for her fans. Even though the singer has repeatedly shut down these rumors and set the record straight, some people can’t seem to believe her and want to keep searching for evidence that proves otherwise.

Avril Lavigne Calls Body Double Conspiracy Theory Dumb

Avril Lavigne in Take Me Away
Avril Lavigne in Take Me Away | NRG Studios

In a recent conversation on the Call Her Daddy podcast, Lavigne spoke about the weird conspiracy theory and set the record straight. The host didn’t even have to finish her sentence and Lavigne knew what she was asking about. The wild theory has been talked about on many shows and interviews, where Lavigne has repeatedly claimed that it’s all untrue. On the podcast, she expressed,

On one end, everyone’s like, ‘You look the exact same. You haven’t aged a day.’ But then other people are like, ‘There’s a conspiracy theory that I’m not me.’ Honestly, it’s not that bad. It could be worse, right? I feel like I got a good one. I don’t feel like it’s negative. It’s nothing creepy. … Obviously I am me, it’s so dumb. I think that they’ve done that with other artists. I’m not the only one. I think, like, other people have that.

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Avril Lavigne in Bite Me
Avril Lavigne in Bite Me | DTA Records

It’s good to see Lavigne taking the rumor in her stride and embracing the lack of negativity in the same. However, the rumor forces the singer to continually prove herself and claim that she is indeed Avril Lavigne and not some random person. Lavigne believes that people make up stories and theories to keep themselves entertained whenever they are bored and she will not be bothered by their dumb views.

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